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0207 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   193

Nie-ku-pai : = Nägübäi.

See NEGODAR, p. 792.

nien : the second character of Ch'ilien in often now read in that way.

See CINGHIS, p. 330.

nien-hao : before its adoption by Qubilai in 1260, the edicts of the Mongol Emperors are dated by the years of the animal cycle.

See CINGHIS, p. 287.

  • Nigudar » : (son of « Juji », son of Cayatai) : it has often been said that is was Polo's « Negodar D.

See CARAUNAS, p. 190.

  • Nigudar » : grandson of Cayatai by Yule; had revolted under Abaya and his troops were dispersed among Abaya's army. See CARAUNAS, p. 191.

  • Nigudarian bands » : may be formed of the subordinates of Nägüdär having retired to Seistan. But, according to Ra"sid, Nägüdär stayed in the Imperial camp of Abaya until he died (before 1281).

See CARAUNAS, p. 192.

Nihävand and Camcal : a Mongolian name meaning « pass », « defile ». See DRY(LONE) TREE, p. 629.

  • Nikdiri », « Nikdiri » : transcription in the translation of the Memoirs of Bel bur, for Nägdäri. See CARAUNAS, p. 194.


The Nile.

See, p. 795.

  • Nimân-Kèh-re » : for « Naimankürä », which is a misreading of Täman-kähär.

See CINGHIS, p. 350-351.

Ning : (the prince of), *Hümitgäi goes back in 1353 to « the great ordos » (YS).

See CINGHIS, p. 350. Ning-hsia : the capital of the HsiHsia kingdom.

See CALACIAN, p. 132.

Ning-hsia : (there was a Jewish community at) (Jewish Chin family of).

See CALACIAN, p. 137. Ning-hsia : (Polo's text describes camlets made at).

See CAMLET, p. 144. Ning-hsia : this is the Chung-hsingfu of the [Hsi]-Hsia.

See CINGHIS, p. 310.

Ning-hsia : without attempting to take the city, Chinghiz-khan took up his winters quarters south-east of Ling-chou; then he left his generals conduct the siege of the city and proceeded south-west.

See CINGHIS, p. 311.

Ning-hsia : there is no doubt that « Egrigaia » is one of its forms. See EGRIGAIA, p. 641.

Ning-kuo-ssü : an independant shrine of Huang tao p'o was erected west of there in 1626. See COTTON, p. 486.

Ning-shuo : (the Ho-lan mountains were at 30 li north-east of the hsien of).

See CALACIAN, p. 134.

Ning-yüan-fu : it is in modern times the name of the main administrative centre of the Chiench'ang Valley.

See GAINDU, p. 729.

  • Niu-ci » : this form occurs in Manchu in the middle of the 17th cent.

See CIORCIA, p. 368.

Niu-mi (*NiRu-mjét) : a regular transcription of the ancient name of Bokhara : Nümi), Nùmi)-kä6.

See BUCARA, p. 108.

niu-nao : corrupt form of mi-nao written by Huang Hsingts'êng.

See FANSUR, p. 669.

Niu-t'eu-shan : Chinese name of the Gosrtiga Hill of Khotan. See COTAN, p. 413.

Niu-t'i T'u-chüeh : « Ox-hoofed Turks D.


Niu-t'ou-ho : supposed to be the modern name of Ch'ing-shui. See CINGHIS, p. 310.

  • Niu-yen » : this transcription of Jou-jan is whithout foundation.

See CIORCIA, p. 382.

« Niutchik » : (= Niuèik) this reading of Nü-chih is not correct. See CIORCIA, p. 368.

niWO : for in middle Chinese. See CIORCIA, p. 379.

no : Sino-Corean pronunciation of a word beginning in Chinese with

See CIORCIA, p. 375.

No-hai I-lü-tzü : (Mong. noyai « dog »). It was the Kingdom of Dogs.


No-ii-kan : this may be identified with Nu-êrh-kan.

See CIORCIA, p. 388.

Noah's Ark : it is said to be on the top of the Mount Ararat, in Hethum.

See BARIS, p. 79.

« Nocran »: name given by the Medici Map. It seems evident that is is for « Mocran » (*« Chechmocran » > « Chechinocran »?). See KESMACORAN, p. 759.

Noyai : was sent by Ghazan to Tämür O1)äiitü.

See CAÇAN, p. 121.

*noyai-Jam : Mong., « dog-relays D (Ch. kou-chan).

See CIORCIA, p. 388.

nok : Sino-Corean pronunciation of words beginning in Chinese with l-.

See CIORCIA, p. 375.

Nom-quli : descendant of Baidar, sixth son of Cayatai.

See « Ciagatai », p. 254; CIBAI and CABAN, p. 262.

Nom-tag : (or Nom-das?) descendant of Baidar, sixth son of Cayatai.

See « Ciagatai », p. 254; CIBAI and CABAN, p. 262.

Nombui : perhaps for Nambui; the name is not explained. See CUBLAI, p. 568.

Nomin River : south-west of Mergen, and north of Tsitsibar.


Mong. Nomoyan, Nomoqan, which means « peaceful ». He was Qubilai's fourth son. Taken prisoner by rebel princes, he was sent to the Golden Horde. The best account of Nomoyan is in T'u Chi, 76, 8a-10a. See p. 795-7%.

Nomoyan : (see Nomogan).


Nomoyan : (Qaidu released Shih T'ien-Iin, only with the prince). Received the title of Peip'ing-wang « Prince of the Pacification of the North D, in 1266 from Qubilai.

See CAIDU, p. 126 et 127.