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INDEX   241

shê-hsiang-mu : « Musk-tree ». See LOCHAC, p. 769.

shê la-mo-li : this represents a word the correspondent of which, in Sanskrit, would be s~âlmali.

See COTTON, p. 467.

Shê-la-tzû : on the Chinese map of c. 1330, interpreted as Snlisttin, is more probably Sirâz.

See CIELSTAN, p. 264.

Shê-is-tzû : (on the Chinese map of c. 1330 and in YS) it is probably Sirâz, and not Sülistän. See ÇIRAÇ, p. 610.

shê li : (> s`arira) « corporal relics » (Hsü Lan).

See CINGHIS, p. 362. Shê-li-ch'an : reading for Shê-lihui, Cärcän, in YS.

See CIARCIAN, p. 262. Shê-li-hui : (read Shê-li-ch'an) occurs in YS; it is l.`ärcän.

See CIARCIAN, p. 262.

Shê-mi : another name of Shang-mi. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 707.

shê-mo-li : this represents a word the correspondent of which, in Sanskrit, would be kiln-tali. See COTTON, p. 467.

Shê-p'o : (Sung shu) this is a transcription for Java, and may here designate Sumatra as well as Java proper.

See COTTON, p. 439.

Shê-p'o : (Java) Wang Chêng referring to Chao Ju-kua mentions cotton there.

See COTTON, p. 503.

Shê-p'o : Chinese name of Java. It may in certain cases to have been transferred by the Chinese to the South-eastern part of Sumatra.

See JAVA, p. 756.

shê p'o-li : this represents a word the correspondent of which, in Sanskrit, would be Seilmali. See COTTON, p. 467.

Shê-to-t'u-lu : = Satadru.


shê-yin : this is the Chinese term for our « palatals », also more properly called shê-shêng-yin, « supra-lingual sounds ».

See CIORCIA, p. 371.

shên : (yin and lin) the different values of the same Juêen character are mysterious.

See CIORCIA, p. 375. SUFI-eking : a Divine well.


Shên-chou : (now Shên-hsien) an appanage was given there to l`ayatai in 1238.

See CIAGATAI, p. 253. Shên-tao : the Divine Way.


shêng : « Province ».

There were twelve shêng in the Mongol period, one being the metropolitan Chung-shu-shêng, the others the provincial « moving » Chung-shu-shêng.

See SCIENG, p. 827-828.

Shêng-ch'ao hun-i fang-yü shêngIan : published under Qubilai's reign.

See COTTON, p. 477.

Shêng-wu ch'in-chêng lu : all the ancient texts of the work imply that Chinghiz-khan was born in 1167.

See CINGHIS, p. 286.

« Sher-i-Jiruft » (in Sykes) : is the same name as Houtum-Schind-

Ier's «   DagIanns ».

See CAMADI, p. 139.

« Shehr-i-Dagianus » (in HoutumSchindler) : is the same as Sykes's « Sher-i-Jiruft ».

See CAMADI p. 139.

shih : « chambers »; there were eight of them in the ancestral temple created at Peking by Qubilai.

See CINGHIS, p. 350.

shih : (in Fu-shih) this character has no to reading.

See COTAN, p. 421.

shih : the translation « picul » in the text of the North-China Herald of 1889 is misleading. See COWRIES, p. 548.

shih : Ch., « stone », of 120 pounds. See COWRIES, p. 563.

Shih Chao : the Wu-Hsün tsa p'ei wrongly attributes to him a text on cotton cultivation. See COTTON, p. 481.

Shih Chao : (c.1060-1140) the « Cornmentary on the Tsu-chih t'ungchien » has been wrongly attrinuted to him.

See COTTON, p. 501.

shin-chi : Chinese name for the bird known in Chinese Turkestan as käklik.

See CATORS, p. 232.

Shih chi so-yin : the commentary of c. 730 on Ssu-ma Ch'ien; the quotation which seems to come from the passage of the Wu-lu on mu-mien gives instead of « Ting-an hsien of Chiaochih » « the chüh of Chiuchên ».

See COTTON, p. 460.

Shih-ha-li : in the Pien chêng k'ao of 1547 may be altered from Ha-shih-ha-li and represent a wrong duplication of Ka yar. See CASCAR, p. 208.

Shih-ho : Chao Ju-kua's transcription of Sibar (Sihr).

See SCIER, p. 829.

Shih-hsing : the name of the district established at Chao-chou under the Chin has been quoted as being the first element of Nayan's fourth province : « Sichintingiu ».

See BARSCOL, p. 86.

Shih-hsing : a district (hsien) at the seat of Chao-chou under the Chin.


shih-kao : « stone oil », a name which « petroleum » was called in T'ang times.

See FANSUR, p. 662.

Shih-la : this was the personal name of Kao Hsi (i.e. Mong. Sira). See COGATAI, p. 396.

Shih-la-ssû : Siràz, mentioned c. 1400.

See ÇIRAÇ, p. 610.

Shih-li : the connection established in some Chinese works with « Yeh-lü » is rightly distrusted in Liao shih.

See CATAI, p. 221.

Shih-li-êrh : on the Chinese map of the early 15th cent. Must be a clerical error for Shih-heiêrh. (Sihär).

See SCIER, p. 829.

Shih-li-ki-li-to-ti : Hsüan-tsang says in his Memoirs of 646 that it is the correct form of Shu-lo. See CASCAR, p. 197.

Shih-to-tzû : (= Sirâz, Siroz) in the account of Ch'ang Tê's mission of 1259 and in YS.

See ÇIRAÇ, p. 609.