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INDEX   27

bougies : (boegies and erroneously bongies) Dutch plur. < Span. bucio.

See COWRIES, p. 555.

« bougran » : the mediaeval forms are at the basis of modern French.

See BUCKRAM, p. 111. bougre : (Fr.), comes from the name of the Bulgars.

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

« bouguerant » : old French form for « bougran ».

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

« bouqueran » . (in Joinville) in French.

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

« bouquerant » : old French form, for « bougran ».

See BUCKRAM, p. 111.

bouracan : (Fr) a coarse woollen stuff or a cloak made of it. See BUCKRAM, p. 112.

  • Bourei tchou », or « Ba tchou » or « Kin cha kiang » : names of the Upper Yang-tzû, on Kiaproth's map.

See BRIUS, p. 107.

« bourgal » or « borgal » . for bulyari, Russian leather.

See BOLGARA, p. 99.

« bourgal » or « borgal » i.e. buryfl, burycili : leather made from the croup of a horse.

See CAMUT, p. 156.

  • Bourkoudjin Toukroum » : in Rasid, see Baryujin-tögiim. See BARGU, p. 77.

« boxac », «boxag » : given in the Codex Cumanicus as the equivalents (Pers. and Turk.) of « gamelinus ».

See CAMLET, p. 144.

« boxag » or « boxac » : given in the Codex Cumanicus as the equivalents (Pers. and Turk.) of « gamelinus ».

See CAMLET, p. 144.

boya : Osm., « colour » (Mong. b udaq).

See CINGHIS, p. 352.

boyaq : Turki, « colour » (Mong. budaq).

See CINGHIS, p. 352.

  • Boyar » (read « Bojar ») : Bokhara (of Clavijo).

See BUCARA, p. 109.

*bozaq : remains unexplained. Radio,/ is probably right in seeing

in it the Turk. boz, « grey ». See CAMLET, p. 144.

Bödâsäf : Arabic form of Iosafat.

May come from Bodhisattva.

See IOSAFAT, p. 750. bôlaryuöi : in cay.

See BULARGUCI, p. 113. Börâq : or Baraq.

See BARAC, p. 75.

Börrâq : or Baraq.

See BARAC, p. 75.

Börtä : the campaign against the Märkit took place before the birth of his eldest son.

See CINGHIS, p. 287.

Börtä : Chinghiz's principal wife; sister of Alcin-noyan.

See CUBLAI, p. 567.

Börtä : Chinghiz-khan's wife. She came from the Qonyrat clan. See UNGRAT, p. 869.

bös : Mong., « cotton goods », borrowed from Uighur böz. See COTTON, p. 434.

böz : Uighur word for « cotton goods »; used to render Ch. potieh.

See COTTON, p. 434.

*b'vk-d'iep : the original of potieh conceived as a transcription.

See COTTON, p. 442. BRAAMAN.

= « Brahman ».

  •  Yule under the influence of « Abraiamain » in F, had thought of « san incorrect Arabic plural such as Abrähamin »;

  •  Pelliot is in favour of an original spelling like « Bracmain ».

See p. 102-103.

« Braaman » : « Brahman » (in Z, B).

See BRAAMAN, p. 102.

« braçile » : (Latin) is rendered in Persian « bachâ » (= « bacham »); in Turkish « bachan » (for « bacham »).

[in Kuun, Codex Cumanicus]. See BRAZIL, p. 103.

« Bracmain » : «Brahman », an original spelling according to Pelliot.

See BRAAMAN, p. 103.

Brahmapura : a city of this name is mentioned in the Brhatsamhitd and by Ai-Biruni. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 698.

Brahmaur : the ancient capital of the Chamba state.


Brahminy Ducks : (Lake of the...) Yung-lo left Peking via this Lake and went on to the northwest.

See CINGHIS, p. 358.

braise : (Fr.) « glowing coal ».

See BRAZIL, p. 103.

« Bramini » : « Brahman » in Ramusio, looks like a learned corection. See BRAAMAN, p. 102.

Brat]-mig-can : « =One-eyed on the breast ». Name of a nation subdued by Chinghiz-khan. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 686.

brasil or brésil : (Fr.), « brazil-wood ».

See BRAZIL, p. 103.

« Brassamus » : the name of the saint in Vincent de Beauvais. See BARSAMO, p. 82.


Or brazil-wood, Caesalpinia sap-
pan was much used as a dye-

  •  wood in the Middle Ages. See p. 103-104.

brazil-wood : Caesalpinia sappan, was much used as a dye-wood in the Middle Ages.

See BRAZIL, p. 103.

Brazil-wood producting aerea : (in Polo's text) « Lochac », « Lam-

bri », Ceylon, « Coilum ».

See BRAZIL, p. 104.

Brazil (Isle of) : was supposed to exist in the Atlantic (in a legend).

See BRAZIL, p. 103.

brahmana : « Brahman *, Western languages forms.

See BRAAMAN, p. 103. brega : « net » (Venetian) etymology for breganega (?)


  •  Refers to the bamboo.

  •  The etymology is not known. A corruption of *bengalega, a form possibly derived from Span. calla de Bengala, « cane of bamboo D. (?)

See p. 105.

*brekan : « to break » (German); etymology for breganega (?), from it several Provençal forms