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0214 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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200   INDEX

« Ormes » : in Odoric, for Hormuz. See CURMOS, p. 580.

ormesine : Engl., name of a textile, from the name of Hormuz. See CURMOS, p. 582.

ormesino : It., name of a textile, from the name of Hormuz. See CURMOS, p. 582.

a Ormus » : occurs in Ramusio. See CURMOS, p. 576.

Ormuz : a city.

See BAUDAC, p. 91.

Ormuz : (in 1307, Noyai and Yang Ch'u reached).

See CAÇAN, p. 121.

Ormuz : (Polo had gone to).


Ormuz » : inaccurately said to occur always in the ancient Portuguese texts.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

Oro6on : (or Oronco) « Reindeer-Breeders », wrongly identified with the Uryangqai.

See CINGHIS, p. 337.


See APUSCA, p. 44.

Orogan » (read « Mogan »).

See BARIS, p. 80.

Oron6o : (or Orocon) « Reindeer-Breeders » wrongly identified with the Uryangqai.

See CINGHIS, p. 337.

*Oro'otu : kregion) Wo-lo-wo-t'u in YS.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

*Oro'otu : must be in a line from the eastern end of the southern bend of the Tula to the southern bend of the Kerulen. See CINGHIS, p. 322-323.

*Oroqai : Wo-lo-hai, Rasid's Urngâi. See CINGHIS, p. 315.

Oros : or Urus ; this was the name of the Russians, not * Aros. See COTAN, p. 415.

orzeruoli : « rosereau, roseruel, roix, reiz », an ermine fur, Buffon's « roselet ».

See ERCOLIN, p. 645.

of-cigin : Mong., comes from Turk. ot-tegin.

See CINGHIS, p. 295.

Ot-tägin : (Juwaini) = Otägin, Turk. ot-tegin, > Mong. otöigin.

See CINGHIS, p. 295. ot-tegin : Turk. > Mong. ot-cigin. See CINGHIS, p. 295.

Ota : (or Oda, Uda, Uta) for Odan in the Mong. MS of Ulanbator.

See COTAN, p. 415.

*Otan : (*Utan, *Odan) the name rendered as Udan in the Secret History could also be read in that way.

See COTAN. p. 415.

'Otan : = 'Otn, with an ethnical name 'Otnaye (syr.).

See COTAN, p. 413.

Otägin : = Ot-tägin in Juwaini > Mong. ot-eigin.

See CINGHIS, p. 295.

'Otnaye : (black...) they are the black Khotanese, mentioned in

a Syriac catena; this is an ethni cal name derived from 'Otn, not-directly connected with *'Odan or 'Odon.

See COTAN, p. 413.

Otnaye : Khotanese. (See « Cotan »). See SAGAMONI BURCAN, p. 824.

'Otn : (= 'Otan) 'Otnaye is derived from it.

See COTAN, p. 413.

*Oton : written by Rabban Çauma, and, misread *Löton, became the « Lötön » of the Syriac version.

See COTAN, p. 417.

Ou River.

See TINGIU, p. 855. OUCACA.

The place meant is an ancient
town on the right bank of

the Volga, about six miles south of Saratov, on the site of the present village of Uvek. The name is Ogak.

See p. 798.

Oudouc Alin » : this is the *Ötiik > * Otök.


It transcribes a Mongol name Ulatai (and Uladai). He helped Aryan to ascend the throne. The third son of Baraq was called Huladai or Uladai. The son of Cabar was called Hulatai or Uladai.

See p. 798-799.

a Ouradjy » : (= Ura)i) misreading for Odin, * >"ldääi.

See CINGHIS, p. 335.

« Ourianguites » : cannot be retained for the « Uryänggat ».

See CINGHIS, p. 337.

« Ove » : or Ava.

See AVA, p. 55.

Ovis Poli : Rubroucks « arcali », Mong. aryali, (Turk. arqar). Equated to « ercolin » by Yule. See ERCOLIN, p. 644.

Ows : original for Ossets (or As). See ALAINS, p. 17.

Owset`i : Georgian form for « (Iranian) Ossets ». Original : Owe. See ALAINS, p. 17.

Oxus : or Amn-daryä.

Polo gave it the name of « Gion D. See GIORGE, p. 737.

Oxyartes : either Oxydrakes, father of Roxana, according to the Greek text, or Apoctronus, « uncle » of Roxana, according to the Latin text, and to whom Alexander left the region corresponding to modern Afghanistan.

See DARIUS, p. 615.

Oxydrakes : Greek name of the Bactrian Oxyartes.

See DARIUS, p. 615.

Oyirat : Mongolian form of Oirat. See HORIAT, p. 744.

« Önbâr » : occurs in Rabban Çauma for *Unbar, « Lombardy ». See COTAN, p. 416.