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0311 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   297

yäfäm.: (or yatip) Osm., « jade ». See COTAN, p. 424.

yäsäp : (or yäfäm) Osm., « jade ». See COTAN, p. 424.

yäf : another writing of Pers. yäfm.

See COTAN, p. 424.

yäfm : Pers., « jade »; it ought to designate « jasper ». See COTAN, p. 424.

yäfp : another writing of Pers. yäfm.

See COTAN, p. 424.

Yazd : the silk of this place is mentioned by Oriental and Western writers.

See IASD, p. 749.

Yäzd-Sava-Ispahan : (Fire-temples were still frequently mentioned in the region of).


ybenus » : (FA and FB's reading in Polo's text).

See BONUS, p. 101.

Yärä River : = Yärkänd River. See YARCAN, p. 877.

yedua : this animal, which is said in Talmudic texts to issue from the earth, may be connected with Odoric's story.

See COTTON, p. 524.

Ye-chi-li-ha-ya   form under

which Ning-hsia is written in YS, 120, 7a.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 641.

Ye-li-ha-ya : a « camp » (ying) mentioned by YS.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 641.

yeh : « leaves »; in the case of the po-t'ung-mu, it is an old graphic corruption of hua, « flower ». See COTTON, p. 474.

Yeh-chih-li River : (YS) may represent another original than « Idil », « Ä)iI ».

See CINGHIS, p. 299.

Yeh-êrh-ch'i-mu : (*Yärkim) = Yärkänd.

See YARCAN, p. 878.

Yeh-êrh-ch'iang   (Yarkand)

according to Juan K'uei-shêng, after the Imperial army had subdued it, the « sheep whose bones are heavy » penetrated into China.

See COTTON, p. 521.

Yeh-êrh-ch'iang : form adopted in the middle of the 18th cent. for Yärkänd.

See YARCAN, p. 878.

Yeh-êrh-ch'in   (*Yärkin)

See YARCAN, p. 878.

Yeh-êrh-ti-ship : (Ardis) Chin. for the name of the Irtysh. See CINGHIS, p. 299. Yeh-hsien-t'ieh-mu-êrh : Äsän-tämür writen in Chinese (for the four spellings. Cf. Wang Hui-tsu2). See ESENTEMUR, p. 649. Yeh-hu : i. e. the yabyu, title of the sovereign of the « Western T'u-chüeh » (Turks).


Yeh-ii-chien   it must be


See YARCAN, p. 878.

Ye-ii-ha-ya   this   « camp »

(ying) is mentioned in YS, 22, Sa, under the date A. D. 1307.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 641.

Yeh-li-ti-shih   Chin. for the
name of the Irtysh (Ardis in the Secret History).

See CINGHIS, p. 299.

Yeh-lieh (Eliya?)   Yü-wa-shin's


See ALAINS, p. 21.

Yeh-lo-ch'i-mu   transcription

adopted by Ch'i Shao-nan in the Shui-tao t'i-kang for Yärkänd.

See YARCAN, p. 878.

Yeh-lü : clan name of the Ch'i-tan Imperial family.

We do not know the true Ch'itan original.

See CATAI, p. 221.

Yeh-lü Ch'u-ts'ai : (1189-1243), uses the word ch'ü-shun.

See COTTON, p. 466.

Yeh-lü Ch'u-ts'ai : he says that the lung-chung-yang is « cotton ». See COTTON, p. 514.

Yeh-lü Ta-shih : the founder of the Qarii-Mitai empire. To be read Yeh-lü T'ai-shih, may mean «Yeh-lü the t'ai shih ».

See CATAI, p. 221, 222.

Yeh-lü Ta-shih : the Chinese accounts of his progress to the West, of his reign there and

of those of his successors are not much to be trusted. See CATAI, p. 223, 224.

Yeh Lung-li : his authorship of the Ch'i-tan kuo chih may well be questioned.

See CIORCIA, p. 369.

Yeh-ma : stage of the Wild Horses. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 705.

yeh-mu : « coconut-tree »; this cannot be the name of the wâgwaq tree, which does not occur in Chinese texts.

See COTTON, p. 518.

Yeh-pan : a kingdom lying north of the Nan-chao, in which women had sexual intercourse only with demons (Man shu, 44 b).


Yeh-po : (Sung shu) or Yeh-po-lo, an ancient name of Gandhära. See COTTON, p. 439.

Yeh-po-lo : or Yeh-po, ancient name of Gandhara.

See COTTON, p. 439.

Yeh-su-lun : Cayatai's principal wife.

See CIAGATAI, p. 254.

Yeh-su-ta-êrh : the most usual

Chinese   transcription   of
Yes üdär.

See IESUDAR, p. 749.

Yeh-t'iao : a kingdom, an embassy of which reached China in 132 A. D.

See JAVA, p. 756.

« Yeka mongal » : by Plan Carpine, « Ta Mêng-ku », designation of the Empire of Chinghiz-khan. See CINGHIS, p. 285.

Yellow River : inside its first great bend. The Po-lan Mountain-must have stood.


yen : *f wän, has been misread as tui, *d'uâi.

See CIORCIA, p. 383.

Yen : this family enjoyed in Tung-p'ing-fu a very high situation. (See « Tundinfu »).

See SANGON, p. 825.

Yen-an princesses : one family of Oirat maned them.

See HORIAT, p. 744.
