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0289 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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T'u-fan ts'un : village of the Tibetans.


T'u-la-ho : « Tula River »; communicates with the Shuang-ch'üanhai by the San-kuan-k'ou.

See CINGHIS, p. 324. T'u-Ia-man : Toloman.

See IACI, p. 746.

T'u-lao-man : or T'u-is-man.

See TOLOMAN, p. 857. T'u-lao-man : they are the Polo's

« Toloman ».

See CUIGIU (c. 130), p. 571. T'u-lao-man : Polo's « Toloman ».

See SIUGIU, p. 836. T'u-lao-man : or T'u-la-man.

Polo's « Toloman ».

The territory of these barbarians is described as « the region of Hsü-chou» and « near Wu-mêng ». See TOLOMAN, p. 857.

t'u-li : according to the Chin shih, title retained for the officials in charge of the people at the frontier after the suppression of other Juêen titles.

See CINGHIS, p. 294.

T'u-lu-chi : Turki. Mentioned on the Chinese map of c. 1330 as the first name of the constituent territories of the Cayatai empire. See TURQUIE, p. 865.

t'u-lu-ma : the attempt to connect it with tou-lo-mien is a failure. See COTTON, p. 431.

t'u-lu-ma : this is probably a transcription of cay. turma and is wrongly mentioned as « silk » and identified with the « wool » the « sowed sheep » which is coton.

See COTTON, p. 514.

T'u-mi : mentioned by Hui-lin as one sort of the K'un-lun barbarians; they are unknown. See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 599.

T'u-shu pien : (of Chang Huang) written from 1562 to 1577, mentions mien-hua.

See COTTON, p. 464.

T'u-t'ê : name given to an old stupa in Yarkänd by the Moslems. See YARCAN, p. 885.

T'u-t'ieh-mu-êrh : canonized as Wên-tsung, had provisionally ascended the throne in Northern China in 1328 when his brother Ho-shih-la was in Mongolia. See CINGHIS, p. 320.

t'u-wan : it was a surname in the Wei dynasty.

See TOMAN, p. 859.

T'u-wu-la : (Tu'ula) correct pronunciation for the Tula River, given as T'u-hu-la in YS.

See CINGHIS, p. 321.

T'u-yü-hun : the alternation between this Chinese form and Tib. Thulu-hun is mysterious.

See CIORCIA, p. 375.

T'u-yü-hun : a nation of Altaic stock, probably Mongolian. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 689.

T'u-yü-hun : name of a tribe.




T'u-yii-hun : (15 li west of the Kökö-nör).

Mentioned on an itinerary from China to Nepal.


T'u-yü-hun Mu-li-yen : when he escaped to Khotan, he passed through the territory of the Tang-mi.


tuan : means « satin », but also « cotton damask ».

See COTTON, p. 471.

tuan : to cut a tree, Chinese. Also the butt of the tree.

See FANSUR, p. 666.

Tuan A-ch'ing : he rebuilt in 1278 the city of Yung-ch'ang.

See UNCIAN, p. 868.

Tuan Chih-hsing : in Uriyangqadai's biography, this king was captured in 1254; this name occurs in the Nan-chao yeh-shih.

See CARAGIAN, p. 178.

Tuan Ch'eng-shih : in his Yu-yang tsa-tsu (c. A. D. 860) employs once the unusual form of so-lo as a rendering of Skr. sala. See COTTON, p. 468.

Tuan Hsing-chih : another form for Tuan Chih-hsing.

See CARAGIAN, p. 178.

Tuan Kuo : the author of the Shachou chi.


tuan-shin-kuan : although in charge of judicial affairs, they were dependent on the Chung shushêng.

See SCIENG, p. 828.

Tuan-tsung : name given to ChaoShili when canonized.

See FACFUR, p. 657.

Tuba : = Tuwa (« Sanang Setsen »). See CINGHIS, p. 352.

Tubas : tribe name.

See BARGU, p. 77.

tuber : a fungus, from which « tinder » was made.

See ESCA, p. 647.


This name comes from Turk. tuy, « standard ». As a rule, the tuy was made with the tail of a yak.

No text gives it in the sense of « 100,000 » attributed to it by Polo.

See p. 860-861.

« Tuctan » : (and « Elegag ») in 1288, two letters had been adressed by the Pope to two princesses whose names are quoted as such.

See COCACIN, p. 393.

« Tuctan » : name given in the letters of the Pope to « Tuctan ». This is Tuqtani (< Toqtani). See COCACIN, p. 393.

*tudyu : « ice »; the Ch. tou-lo given with the meaning of « ice » may have to be connected with it See COTTON, p. 430.

tuy : It was made with the tail of a yak.

For the use of the word in the Uighur legend of Uyuz-khan, cf. TP, 1930, 291.

It was raised in time of war and was the standard of the Emperor. This word is identical with the Chinese tu.

See TUC, p. 860-861.

Tuy-Tämür : this is T'u-t'ieh-muêrh, alias Wên-tsung.

See CINGHIS, p. 320.

Tuyluq : sultan of Delhi, ruled from 1320 to 1324; he was probably a Turk, not a Mongol. See CARAUNAS, p. 190.

Tuhan-pati : a king of the Malay state of Samudra.

See SEMENAT, p. 830.

« Tulitani » : correct writing in Armemian of Toqtani.

See COCACIN, p. 393.