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0052 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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tion is Ha-la-chang. Qara-Jang is the designation of the Ta-li kingdom, the former Nan-chao kingdom of T'ang times.

The title mahärâja of the king of Qara-Jang is confirmed by Chinese sources.

See p. 169-181.


Only in Z and R, can be understood either as a Latin plural of « Caramanus », or as an ethnical name *Qaramäni derived from Qaramän.

RR, substituing « Caramania » for « Caramani », says it is the district of Qaramän in Asia Minor; the name goes back to the Türkmän prince Qaramän. See p. 181-182.

«Caramani » : only in Z and R, as the name of Turcomani (Turchomani).

See CARAMANI, p. 181. *Carait : Käräit, Kerait.

See IACI, p. 745.

« Caramania » : usual name in modern geography for the district of Qaramän.

See CARAMANI, p. 182.

a Caramania • : in RR and B1, a part of Turcomania but the text concerns the name of a people.

See CARAMANI, p. 181.

a Caramora » : altered from « Cara-

morä » _ « Caramoran ».

See CARAMORAN, p. 182.

a Caramoram » : a copyist's misreading of « Caramora » = « Caramoran ».


Qara-mürän is an ancient Mongol name of the Huang-ho; the modern Mongol name is Hatun-mürän or Hatun-r51. Qara-mürän (Ha-la-mu-lien) appears as the name of a place in YS.

To-day, tiara-mürän (in Chi-
nese Hei-ho) is the name of a tri-

butary of the Huang-ho.

See p. 182-183.

a Caramoran » : = Huang-ho. See LINGIU, p. 764.

a Caramoran » : Huang-ho. It marks for Polo the limit between Cathay and Manzi.

See NAMGHIN, p. 790.

  • Caraoun Tchidoun a : true form,

adopted by D'Ohsson, for the Qaraun-jidun of the Secret History.

See CARAUNAS, p. 185.

caratein : the Turkish rendering of scoyroli, according to the Codex Cumanicus.

See ERCOLIN, p. 644.

carati : (the saggio was 24).

See CANTAR, p. 159.

« Caratouski » : (camp of), its origin

is the Kharatuskorn of Bicurin.


This problem is a very difficult one.

It is a correct transcription of Qaraunas, used by Persian historians of the Mongol period for a particular group of troops living then in Persia.

Qara'una (> Qarauna), pi. Qara'unas is a true Mongolian name.

The name of the Qaraunas is not known in Mongolia nor does it occurs in Far Eastern texts; the first mention of a Qarauna occurs in 1270 and the least mention of the Qaraunas in 1547.

Herat in Horàsin is the region where we hear most of the Qaraunas.

The identification of Polo's

« Negodar » with   (ayatai's
grandson raises difficulties. Probably, Polo's account of the Qaraunas and of « Negodar » refers to a date posterior to Hiilägü's arrival in Persia. See p. 183-196.

carbasus : Latin, borrowed from Skr. karpâsa, « cotton ».

See COTTON, p. 433.

Cardano (Girolamo) (1501-1576) : speaks of the A gnus scythicus in De Rerum Varietate published in 1557.

See COTTON, p. 524. Carmelites : (foundation of the order of the).

See BARSAMO, p. 82.

carmin : French; goes back to an Ar. qirmizi.

See CREMOSI, p. 564.

carmine : Engl. > French carmin. See CREMOSI, p. 564.

carmusi : no mention is given of its nature.

See CREMOSI, p. 565.

Casahar » : earliest Western mention, in 1221, of the name Käsyar.

See CASCAR, p. 196.

Casan » : (var. « Chasan », « Chassan ») in Hethum.

See CAÇAN, p. 120.

Casan » : Käsän, the place given by Odoric as the starting point of the Magi Kings.

See CAXAN, p. 236.

Casaria » : a form of « Kaisariye » adopted in B1, 440. See CAISERIE, p. 131.


It is first mentioned in Chin. texts under the name Shu-lo (also Sha-lo).

Ch'ieh-shih-ch'i-li, or Chia-shihchi-li, occuring in a text of 727 must be retored as *Ka"sgiri and provide us with the earliest mention of the very name

  • Käsyar ».

Käsyar is the spelling used in the most ancient sources. Syriac documents testify to the importance of the Nestorian community at Käsyar.

The Chin. ho-shang gives the only exemple of a Kashgarian form which has been determined hitherto.

See p. 196-214.

« Cascàr » : in Ricci's arrangement

of Goes's Diary, for Käsyar. See CASCAR, p. 196.

Caschat » : (read « Caschar ») mentioned in the letter of Sembat the Constable in 1248; it is Käsyar.

See CASCAR, p. 196.

« *Cascis » : = kalg, may be

  • casses ».

See GASSES, p. 215.

« Casena » : for « Kaisariye », in

Pegolotti, probably a corrup-

tion of a Caseria ».

See CAISERIE, p. 131.

« Caseria » : proposed by Evans, for

  • Kaisariye ».

See CAISERIE, p. 131. Cashan » : wrong spelling for Polo's « Caxan ».

See CAXAN, p. 236.

« casjes » : a cash »; the meaning given to it by Sparr de Homberg is uncertain.

See COWRIES, p. 556.