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96   INDEX

seems to be an arbitrary addition.

See COTTON, p. 505.

Fan Wên-hu : *Ataquai took over the 300 seajunks which were at the disposal of Fan Wên-hu. See ABACAN, p. 3.

Fan Wên-hu : he played a prominent part in the expeditions against Japan. Son. in-law of the Sung general Lii Wên-tê, he fought with the Sung against the Mongols during the siège of Hsiang-yang.

See VONSAMCIM, p. 871. fanam : for pana in Anglo-Indian. See COWRIES, p. 563.

R Fanchân Nâùr » : corrupt reading for Rasidu-'d-Din's Cxayannâwùr.

See CIAGANNOR, p. 247.

Fang-shan : a location of the Ch'ilien Valley in this district is out of the question.

See CINGHIS, p. 362. fang-tsou : « letting run » (Chokêng lu).

See CUIUCCI, p. 572.

Fang-yii chip : (of Chu Mu) the text on so-lo cited in the Pên-ts'ao kang mu as from it comes from the Shêng-ch'ao hun-i fang-yü shêng-lan.

See COTTON, p. 477.

fanon : for paria in the French settlements in India.

See COWRIES, p. 563. FANSUR.

  •  The « kingdom » of « Fan-sur », centre of production of the camphor called « fansuri » is the region of Baros on the southwestern coast of Sumatra.

  •  The older name is that of Barns (> modern Baros).

  •  The other name, Fansur, appears first in Arabic texts, from the middle of the 9th cent.

  •  Pelliot considers as identical with Famür Chinese transscriptions of the 13th-15th cent. beginning with ap.

  •  Our word « camphor » is derived from Arabic kafür.

  •  In is notice on Borneo, Chao Ju-kua enumerates four kinds of camphor.

  •  Polo speaks of camphor produced in Fu-chien between

Fu-chou and Ch'üan-chou. This

has nothing to do with Baros


See p. 661 to 670.

fansuri » : the name of the cam-

phor produced in the « King-

dom » of « Fansur ».

See FANSUR, p. 661.

Fanâûr : an arabicized form, used

by Polo, of Fansur.

See FANSUR, p. 662.

faniüri : the best camphor, which

came from Fan§ür.

See FANSUR, p. 663.


  • This must be the French form used by Polo, since it is in F and Z.

  • It is, according to Polo,

the name of a mountain at the entrance of the Black Sea on the Western side.

  • There was in Constan-

tinople a Pharos, and Pelliot believes this to be the place meant by

Polo.   But this makes
Polo's « mountain » hardly more than a mound.

See p. 670-671.

Far : according to Polo, the name of a moutain at the entrance of the Black Sea, on the western side.

See FAR, p. 670.

Farangi » falconers, Frank falconers : in Palladino, for explaning po-lan-hsi.

See BULARGUCI, p. 113. farfor : Russ. comes from Osmanli farfuru, « Chinese », « porcelain ».

See CIN, p. 278.

farfor : Russian form from fayfuri,

Pers. > farfuru, farfuri, Turk.

See FACFUR, p. 656. farfün : firkün.

See FANSUR, p. 670.

farfuru : Osmanli for « Chinese » and « porcelain » altered from Pers. fayfüri.

See CIN, p. 278.

  • Faro » : restoration of « Far » by Yule and Benedetto. See FAR, p. 670.

  • Faxis » : misreading of Sussis by Le Long.

See DRY(LONE) TREE, p. 635. fài : Siamese, « cotton ».

See COTTON, p. 436.

fäi : Lolo, « 0.01 ounce » in Vial (Tsuan ya : t'a fên).

See COWRIES, p. 551.

fei : SIi dialect, 0.01 of a tael, < Ch. fên; also used for 0.01 of a « string ».

See COWRIES, p. 551.

Fanar-qapusi : « Gate of the Lantern », also called « Portha Phani », « Porta del Pharo » and TozroOeata Toû pav&pc. Located quite inside the Golden Horn and can't come into consideration.

See FAR, p. 671.

fei : (*b'iwai) this is not the value of the first character of Fushê; it renders ve or vai rather than vi.

See COTAN, p. 421.

fei-she : said to render Vija = Vijaya, and to be a more accurate

rendering than Yü-ch'ih.

See COTAN, p. 420.

« Female » island : according to Polo, it was located 500 miles south of Kesmacoran.


FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN). There were several Kingdoms of Women.

  1. The « Kingdom of Women » to the north-west of China.

  2. The « Kingdom of Women » to the north-east of China.

  3. The « Kingdoms of Women » to the north-east and to the north-west of Tibet.

  4. The Indo-Chinese « Kingdoms of Women ».

  5. The « Kingdom of Women » in Indonesia.

See p. 671-725.

fên hsing-shêng : « detached moving Secretariat »; the hsing-shêng of Chang-chou was perhaps only that.

See ÇAITON, p. 589.

fên-lung : Ch., « funerary mounds »; according to the Ts'ao-mu tzü (1378), the Mongols have no funerary mounds.

See CINGHIS, p. 333, 334. Fêng-chia-i : a Nan-chao prince who founded Chih-tung in 764 or 765.

See IACI, p. 745.

Fêng-hsiang : in the second half of the 13th cent., seat of the lien fang-ssü of the « region »