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14   INDEX

It is given in mediaeval texts as « Aiaç » or as « Laias ».

See LAIAS, p. 760.

Ayas : port of Lesser Armenia. The two Dominicans who accompanied the three Polos to Qubilai's Court stopped there.


« Aygiaruc ».

See AIGIARUC, p. 15.

Az : Turk. word for « sable », listed as a woman's name.


The pseudo-king of Champa. See « Ciamba », p. 255.

See p. 58.

Azanaghi : = Berrettini; Aluise da Ca' da Mosto says that they use cowries as currency.

See COWRIES, p. 563. Azbuâ : (and Zubunï), « Circassian », in Abkhäz.

See ÇIC, p. 607.

azraq : one of the kinds of camphor mentioned by Ibn Baytär. Azraq, pl. zurq, means « blue » in Arabic. Was rendered as « blue camphor » by Ferrand. See FANSUR, p. 668.

Azur : appears in French already in the Chanson de Roland. See AZURE, p. 58.


A mineral; « açur » in Polo's text.

See p. 58-61.

"Aßcoc (? = Wu-sun).

See ALAINS, p. 18.

"Apecoc (Scythian).

See ALAINS, p. 18.

"Apµoeea : (Nearchus) this is Old Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 577.

"App.6eca : the Portuguese forms for Hormuz show a curious recurrence of it.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

"Apl,ou4a : the Portuguese forms for Hormuz show a curious recurrence of it.

See CURMOS, p. 580. "Apt.toua 7r6ac, : (Ptolemy), this is Old Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 577. "App.00v dxpov : (Ptolemy), this is Old Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 577.

'ATca : this is an early Byzantine transcription of the name of the Volga.

See COTTON, p. 523.

'AT~a : this is an early Byzantine transcription of the name of the Volga.

See COTTON, p. 523.

'ATTtaa4 : this is an early Byzantine transcription of the name of the Volga.

See COTTON, p. 523. alisaridaga : name of a bean derived from Alexandria.

See ALEXANDRE (2), p. 29. älakandaka : name of the coral, derived from Alexandria.

See ALEXANDRE (2), p. 29. ana : four of them = one kähan. See COWRIES, p. 561.

ana : it was usually worth 4 pan, i. e. 320 cowries.

See COWRIES, p. 562.

Aryastana : mentioned by Tibetan texts on the Go§rnga hill of Khotan.

See COTAN, p. 410.

atä gäh, äti?'gah : fire-temples mentioned in the region of YäzdSava-Ispahan.


Atil : this is the name of the Volga in the Hudûd al.'Alam.

See COTTON, p. 523.

« Abah » : or Ava.

See AVA, p. 55.

*A-iji~-sân : Chinese form for Alexandria (A-ii-san).

See ALEXANDRE (2), p. 29.

  • A-d'âm : or A-t'an, in a Nestorian work of China.

See ADAM, p. 13.

*At-kan-d'â : (0-ken-t'o).

See ALEXANDRE (2), p. 29. 3t nûng : Siamese, 1/64 of a tical. See COWRIES, p. 557.

Äbhär : « Abher », the meeting place of Kökä6in and Ghazan.

See COCACIN, p. 393.

Ädäl : Tel., name of the Volga. See CINGHIS, p. 299.

« Ädil » : this is the name of the Volga in some later Turkish dialects.

See COTTON, p. 523.

*Agri-gaya : Chinese and Mussulman transcriptions may be recover a native name.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 641.

äjän : (« Sanang Setsen »), « the Lord » = Chinghiz-khan. See CINGHIS, p. 338.

äjän-ü ämünä : most of the Mongol sovereigns of the 15th cent. and of the first half of the 16th were enthroned « in front of the Lord ».

See CINGHIS, p. 351-352.

äfän-ü ordo : « the ordo of the Lord », where nobles or princes sought refuge.

See CINGHIS, p. 351.

äjän-ii käik : « the guard of the Lord » (Altan toböi). See CINGHIS, p. 351.

« Ali' » : occurs in the Secret History, alongside of « Idii » as a name of the Volga.

See CINGHIS. p. 299.

ÄI6i-buya : (*Alji-buga) Yen-chihpu-hua in YS.

See ÇAITON, p. 593.

*)J i-buga : ( = Äici-buya) Yenchih-pu-hua in YS. See ÇAITON, p. 593.

Äijigidäi : may have been represented by Elcidai.

See ELCIDAI, p. 642.

ämiisüksän Jarnöa : « the shirt he had worn »; buried at the Muna according to the Altan tobci. See CINGHIS, p. 353.

?Mgr : Kaim., in Mongolian anggir. See CIAGANNOR, p. 249.

*Arä'öl : Altan-buqa's wife; a Syriac gospel was written for her in 1298, probably in the region of the Liu-p'an-shan. See CINGHIS, p. 312.

Ardis : (more probably Ärjis) name of the Irtysh in « Sanang Setsen ».

See CINGHIS, p. 299.

Ärdis : (or Ardis) name of the Irtysh in the Secret History.

See CINGHIS, p. 299.

ärgä : wrongly connected with OtAk, Ötük cannot mean « tent » in Mongolian.

See CINGHIS, p. 348. Argi-qaya = Mongolian for « the Steep Rock no

See EGRIGAIA, p. 641.

Änijä'ii : (perhaps for *Är)i'ü). The name of » Ergiuul » in the Mongol

text of the Secret History.

See ERGIUUL, p. 646.