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300   INDEX

yü : (*jku, in *Jiu-d'ien, Yü-t'ien) not regularly used in Buddhist transcriptions, but frequently used under the Han in the transcription of terms of Hsiungnu origin.

See COTAN, p. 409.

yü : (*•ivat) this other reading of the character wei (in Weich'ih) must be adopted here. See COTAN, p. 418.

Yü : surname of Chao Ping's mother. See FACTUR, p. 658.

Yü-an-shan : a mountain situated on the north-west side of the Tien-ch'ih or Lake of Yünnan-fu.

See IACI, p. 746.

Yü ch'ao tsa-chih : (of Chao Shênchên) stated to have been derived from the Hsi-yü wênchien lu.

See COTTON, p. 522.

-ch'ih : yellow pei with white streaks (Êrh ya).

See COWRIES, p. 535.

Yü-ch'ih : the king of Khotan whose surname we are told for the first time to be that sent out his first embassy in 632. See COTAN, p. 418.

Yü ch'ih : this surname occurs in an inscription of A. D. 495 at Lung-mên, but it never occurs in connection with Khotan before the T'ang dynasty.

See COTAN, p. 418.

Yü-ch'ih : (*.1uat-d"i) this form occurs for the name of a monk who belonged to the family of kings of Khotan.

See COTAN, p. 418.

-ch'ih : (*•Iuat-d"i) this ought regularly to be the reading of Wei-ch'ih.

See COTAN, p. 418.

Yii-ch'ih : Fish Lake...


Yü-ch'ih Ching-tel : this was in Peking the name of Wei-

ch'ih Kung, tzû Ching-te).

See COTAN, p. 418.

-ch'ih Fo-tê : this name occurs in a Tun-huang document.

See COTAN, p. 418.

Yü-ch'ih Fu-shê Hsiung : this name occurs in Ts'ê fu yüankuei which also gives the correct Fu-shê Hsiung.

See COTAN, p. 421.

-ch'ih Fu-shê Ta : this name occurs in Ts'ê fu yüan-kuei. See COTAN, p. 421.

-ch'ih Fu-shih : this name occurs in Chiu T'ang shu and in Ts'ê fu yuan-kuei.

See COTAN, p. 421.

Yti-ch'ih Fu-shih Chan : this name occurs in Hsin T'ang shu. See COTAN, p. 421. Yü-ch'ih Hsien-tê : this name occurs in a Tun-huang document. See COTAN, p. 418. Yü-ch'ih I-sêng : the son of Yüch'ih Pa-chih-na, a Central Asian painter; he was summoned to the Chinese court c. A. n. 627. See COTAN, p. 419.

Yü-ch'ih Pa-chih-na : this Central Asian painter had come to China before 618.

See COTAN, p. 419.

Yü-ch'ih Shu : according to Yeh I-pao's Chin-shih lu pu, his statue is at the tomb of Kaotsung (t 684); it gives an instance of Yü-ch'ih at a time when the family name of the kings of Khotan is written Fushê.

See COTAN, p. 422.

yü ch'üan : white pei with yellow streaks (Erh ya).

See COWRIES, p. 535.

Yü-êrh-po : « Fish-Lake », Chinese for the « Dalai-nôr ».

See CINGHIS, p. 355.

-hua-ch'üan : name given by Yung-lo to Ch'an-ch'ing-sai. See CINGHIS, p. 358.

Yii Huan : the author of the Wei lio.


Yü-huan chi-wên : where is the notice on « ambergris » compiled by Chang Shih-nan.

See AMBERGRIS, p. 36.

Yü Ju-kuei : brother of Chao Ping's mother.

See FACFUR, p. 658.

Yü-Iin : territory outside of which the tomb of Chinghiz-khan is once supposed to be.

See CINGHIS, p. 348.

Yü-tin : the Mongol name is Tämägätü.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 642.

-men : « Jade Gate », in western Kan-su.


-shih-t'ai : « Board of Censors ». There was a metropolitan Yiishih-t'ai and several « moving » (hsing) Yü-shih-t'ai (or simply hsing-t'ai).

See THAI, p. 851.

-ta pu : the term actually used by Chao Ju-kua, and not ta pu. See COTTON, p. 446.

-tien, Khotan : in a translation of c. 600, of the Saryagarbha, for Kha§a.

See CASCAR, p. 203.

tu-chün : note in the Tzü-chiht'ung-chien. s.a. 646, 198, 5b. See NATIGAI, p. 791.

Yü-tun : (*Jiu-d'uan) name given by the Hsiung-nu to the kingdom of Ch'ü-sa-tan-na according to Hsüan-tsang.

See COTAN, p. 409.

Yü-tun : this name given by Hsüantsang as the one of Khotan among the Hsiung-nu only occurs in the Memoirs or in passages derived from the Memoirs.

See COTAN, p. 411.

Yü-tun : this would be *'Odon in the 7th cent.

See COTAN, p. 412.

Yü-tun : this probably was the name of Khotan among the nomads of Central Asia; it certainly represents Odon.

See COTAN, p. 412.

t'ai : a relay between Chi-ning and Huai-an, according to Yung-lo ta-tien.

See LINGIU, p. 763.

-t'ien : Chinese transcription of the name of Khotan. See COTAN, p. 408.

-t'ien : this modern reading is based on the p'ing-shêng pronunciation; read in the ch'üshêng, it would give a modern tien.

See COTAN, p. 408.

-t'ien : this name given formerly by the Chinese to the kingdom of Ch'ü-sa-tan-na is incorrect according to Hsüan-tsang. See COTAN, p. 409.