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0161 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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kdrpasa : Skr., « Cotton »; a strict line cannot be drown between its value and that of kârptisi. See COTTON, p. 453.

kä'är : (classical Mong. kä'ärä) « steppe ».

See CINGHIS, p. 319.

Käbäk : the sovereign of the Empire of « Medeia » (for « de Medio ») See ASYA MEDIA, p. 55.

käbäz : Uighur, « cotton », derived from a Prakrit form of karpâsa. See COTTON, p. 433.

käbäz : modern Turfan Turki, comes from Uighur * käbäs = käbäz.

See COTTON, p. 434.

käbäz : Uigh. name of the cotton plant, not of the cotton goods. See COTTON, p. 434.

käbäz : Uighur, adopted by the Mongols during the Mongol dynasty.

See COTTON, p. 442.

*käbäs : = käbäz : this is the original form of the kädäs of the Ming Sino-Uighur Vocabulary. See COTTON, p. 434.

kädän : dialectical form of kätän (< kätân), « linen ».

See COTTON, p. 427.

kädäs : translation of mien-hua, « cotton », in the Ming Sino-Uighur Vocabulary of the Board of Translators; the form is corrupt.

See COTTON, p. 434.

Käibüng : (in the Mong. SangduKäibüng), it is K'ai-p'ing. See CHEMEINFU, p. 239.

käkilig : written Mongolian, for käklik, without authority. See CATORS, p. 232.

käklik : Mong. name of the « chakôr », general name for « grouse ».

See CATORS, p. 230.

Kälägütäi-ba'atur : (or Kilügän-ba' atur) the Sünit who beseeched at Muna the defunct Chinghizkhan to proceed to his native land.

See CINGHIS, p. 340.

Kälürän : for the name of the river Kerulen. A case of metathesis. See BULARGUCI, p. 114. Kälürän : Kerulen, Ch'ieh-lü-lien River.

See CINGHIS, p. 322.

Kälürän : name of the Kerulen in the Mongol period. See CINGHIS, p. 330.

Kam River : that is to say the Yenissei.

See HORIAT, p. 744.

kämhä : different forms of the words.

See CAMOCAS, p. 146.

kämhâ : « damasked silk » (Dozy was the first, in 1869 to derive

  • camocas » from Pers.); it is the basis of the mediaeval forms of the « camocas » type.

See CAMOCAS, p. 146. kämhâ : Lokotsch gives it as Pers. form for « camucca ».

See CAMUT, p. 157.

Käncäk : (or Känjäk) frequently mentioned in the Mongol period in the region of Talas; they also lived in the districts of Käsyar.

It may represent an original Iranian name.

See CASCAR, p. 210-211.

kän&.iklänmäk : « to dress like the Känak », special verb of the Käncäk known to Käsyari. See CASCAR, p. 210-211.

Känak-sängir : (Käsyari's) it must be the Känjäk or Käncäk mentioned in the Mongol period. See CASCAR, p. 210.

Kändär : name of the province of Qara-Jang by the Indians and Cashmirians.

See CARAGIAN, p. 177.

« Känjäi » : misreading for Känjäk, Kän~äk.

See CASCAR, p. 210.

Känjäk : (or Käncäk) frequently mentioned in the Mongol period in the region of Talas. They also lived in the districts of Käsyar. See CASCAR, p. 210-211.

känJäki : (or käruYäki?) non-Turkish language spoken in the districts of Kâsyar according to KA"syari, who includes the Käncäk among the Turkish tribes.

See CASCAR, p. 210.

Käntäi : the mountains from the southern slopes of which the Tüla takes its rise.

See CINGHIS, p. 346. Käntäi-ban : mentioned elsewhere in

  • Sanang Setsen » but not in

connection with Chinghiz-khan's tomb.

See CINGHIS, p. 347. Käntäi-ban ».

See ALTAI, p. 31.

  • Käntäi-ban » : in connection with Chinghiz-khan's tomb, it is a misreading.

See CINGHIS, p. 347.

Käntäi Mountains : the tomb of Chinghiz-khan may be said to have been on its sunny side, but the mention of the name is doubtful.

See CINGHIS, p. 347.

  • Käntäi-qa'an » : « Sanang Setsen » locates Yäkä-ütäk (Chinghizkhan's tomb) on its sunny side. See CINGHIS, p. 345.

Käntäi-qan : its mention is doubtful in connection with Chinghizkhan's tomb.

See CINGHIS, p. 347.

*käpäs : k'o p'o-ssü, Ch. transcription of Uighur käbäz.

See COTTON, p. 434.

käräl : « king (of Hungary) » > kälär (case of metathesis). See BULARGUCI, p. 114.

Kärämün-batun   a Qonyrat

when Kökäcin had died, the ordo was given to her; she died probably on January 23, 1300.

See COCACIN, p. 394.

käriyäs : the Mongol final -s has been retained in Persian, Armenian, etc.

See CINGHIS, p. 300.

kärbâs : Persian, translated pu, « cloth », in the Sino-Persian Vocabulary of the Board of Translators.

See COTTON, p. 433.

kärbcs : (or kirbas) Pers. « cotton »; the phonetic similitude with harbuz, « water-melon », does not explain the connection between the « sowed sheep » and cotton.

See COTTON, p. 529.

käbiz : or kebäz (kibäz) ancient Mongolian word for cotton; it

is the same as Uigh. käbäz.

See COTTON, p. 435.

kärbys . Suyni, « cotton goods », « muslin ».

See COTTON, p. 435.