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0076 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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Yü-ch'ih in the Chiu T'ang

shu; this form is correct. See COTAN, p. 420.

Ch'ü-p'i-shuang-na : seems to be *Govisämna = Gov4âna, « ox-horn ».

See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 698-699.

Ch'ü-sa-tan-na   (*G'ju•sât tân-nâ);
the note on this kingdom in Hsüan-tsang's Memoirs is of great value; it is said to mean in Chinese « Earth-teat » and is to be restored as « Gostana ». See COTAN, p. 409.

Ch'ü-sha : this kingdom is mentioned in the Wei lio. It must be the same as the kingdom of Ch'ü-so mentioned in the Pei shih.

See YARCAN, p. 880.

ch'ü-shu : (or ch'ü-yü), Ch., a sort of woollen rug, rendered as Skr. varnakambala.

See COTTON, p. 484.

ch'ü-shu : this may be a transcription of Skr. *kaucapa.

See COTTON, p. 492.

ch'ü-shu : (Wei lio) this is a name of rug which is to be retained. See COTTON, p. 508.

ch'ü-shun : it seems to be a term of the Dhyâna or Zen sect. See COTTON, p. 465.

ch'ü-shun : this is an ancient name of cotton occuring in connection with Bodhidharma's robe. See COTTON, p. 465.

ch'ü-shun : in Yeh-lü Ch'u-ts'ai, it was a term which had previously existed in Chinese.

See COTTON, p. 466.

ch'ii-shun : mentioned by Hsü as a fabric of chi pei.

See COTTON, p. 488.

ch'ü-shun : (i.e. po-tieh cloth) according to Hsü, its looks as glossy as silk.

See COTTON, p. 489.

Ch'ü-so : this kingdom is mentioned in the Pei shih. It must be the same as the kingdom of Ch'üsha mentioned in the Wei lio. See YARCAN, p. 879-880.

Ch'ü-tan : (*K'juat-tan) name given by the Hindus to the kingdom of Ch'ü-sa-tan-na according to Hsüan-tsang.

See COTAN, p. 409.

Ch'ü-tan : the « Hindu » form mentioned by Hsüan-tsang was the one used in the spoken languages of Northern Hindus. See COTAN, p. 411.

Ch'ii-tiao-a-lan : (*Küdäü-aral) region of the Kerulen where Ogödäi was enthroned in 1229. See CINGHIS, p. 322.

ch'ü-yü : (or ch'ü-shu) Ch., a sort of woollen rug, rendered as Skr. varnakambala.

See COTTON, p. 484.

Ch'üan : Sung Empress, the mother of Chao Hsien.

See FACFUR, p. 658.

ch'üan : « copper currency », used under the Chou (Shuo wên). See COWRIES, p. 538.

Ch'üan (-chou) : (see « Çaiton »). See AMBERGRIS, p. 36. Ch'üan-chou : (= Çaiton).

See ABAGA, p. 5.

Ch'üan-chou : the hypothesis of a derivation of « Choncha » from this name leads nowhere. See CHONCHA, p. 245. Ch'üan-chou : this identification of « Zaiton » was already proposed in 1655 by Martini.

See ÇAITON, p. 583.

Ch'üan-chou : the walls of the city have had different names. See ÇAITON, p. 585.

Ch'üan-thou : until 711 it was the name of our Fu-chou.

See ÇAITON, p. 585.

Ch'üan-chou : Chinese mediaeval sources give a greater importance to it than to Chang-chou.

See ÇAITON, p. 587.

Ch'üan-chou : in the beginning of the Mongol period, it alone alternated with Fu-chou as the seat of the « moving Grand Secretariat ».

See ÇAITON, p. 589.

Ch'üan-thou : (lu of...) alternations of the « moving shêng » between there and Fu-chou in the geographical section of YS. See ÇAITON, p. 589.

Ch'üan-chou : on February 23, 1280, order was given to the moving shêng there to reduce the places which had not submitted.

See ÇAITON, p. 590.

Ch'üan-chou : on March 20, 1279, order was given to the « moving shêng » of Yang-chou, Hu-nan, Kan-chou and... to build 600 war vessels ( YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 590.

Ch'üan-chou : on June 11, 1280, the « moving Secretariat » of Fu-chien was transferred, there (YS); on August 6, 1280, it was transferred from there to Lung-hsing ( YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 591.

Ch'üan-chou : (Lung-hsing, ...and Fu-chien) on May 25, 1280, as it was not expedient to have three « moving shêng » order was given to deliberate (YS). See ÇAITON, p. 591.

Ch'üan-chou : on April 1, 1283, the

  • moving Secretariat » of... was merged into that of Fu-chien ( YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 591.

Ch'üan-chou : mentioned on October 18, 1282 in YS, it is the name of a « moving Secretariat ». See ÇAITON, p. 591.

Ch'üan-chou : on October 19, 1284, it was said that it would be more convenient to merge the

  • moving Secretariats » of Fu-chien and Yang-chou into one and to order Secretariat officials to reside at... ( YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 591.

Ch'üan-chou : on February 19, 1284, Kuan Ju-tê was made ts'an-chih-chêng-shih of the

  • moving Secretariat » of... (YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 591.

Ch' üan-chou : on March 20, 1297, the seat of the « moving Grand Secretariat » of Fu-chien was transferred there ( YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 592.

Ch'üan-chou : taken by Saifu-'d-Din in 1357.

See ÇAITON, p. 593.

Ch'üan-thou : the Christian remains of « Chang-chou » are in fact of... ; the Christians were a minority, the Mussulman community was of far greater importance.

See ÇAITON, p. 594.

Ch'üan-chou : there is no other mention than Polo's on tattooing there.

See ÇAITON, p. 596.