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0036 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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22   INDEX

Bayaucin : a Bayaut, Qubilai s

fourth wife.

See COCACIN, p. 392.

Baya'ut : the tribe to which the

Queen Buluyan belonged.

See COTROCO, p. 425.

Baya'ut : Baya'ucin belonged to

this tribe.

See CUBLAI, p. 568.

Bayaut : name of a tribe.

See BOLGANA, p. 98.

Bayaut : Kökäci must have been that,

like Buluyan.

See COCACIN, p. 392.

  • Baydo » : for Baidu.

See BAIDU, p. 69.

Bayirqu : of Orkhon Turkish texts. See BARGU, p. 77.

bayirtlaq : in Osm. and Cay. the sand-grouse.

See BAGHERLAC, p. 65. bayitaq : Turki, the sand-grouse. See BAGHERLAC, p. 65.

bdkld : Beng. « bark »; Tib. bag-le; is based on a Prâkrit form similar to it.

See COTTON, p. 465.

bdlds : Pers.; the theory that yüehof yüeh-no would represent that is erroneous.

See COTTON, p. 483.

Bäkü : is the modern spelling of Baküh.

See BACHU, p. 62.

Bäküh : oldest form of « Bachu ». See BACHU, p. 62.

bdküs : misreading of bdlüs.

See FANSUR, p. 670.

balküs : misreading of bdlüs.

See FANSUR, p. 670.

Bälüs : (= Baros) to be read for Idri§i's Jälüs.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 600.

Balüs : in Arabic texts, a place which is only another form of Barns.

See FANSUR, p. 662.


See BAIAN, p. 66.

Barman . form under which Bähwän may have to be corrected and which seems to be another name of Aq-su in Kääyari.


  • bdlarghui » : or « belargoui »; in Raäid. See BULARGUCI, p. 113.

*Mmyana : (Bamyan, Bämiyän). One of the four Säkya becane king of this place.


« Bätu ».

See BATU, p. 89.

bähddur : Persian for « hero ». According to Schiefner, it also represents fay far.

See FACFUR, p. 657.

Bäitullah : or the square Ka'bah in Mecca.

See ARABIE, p. 45.

Bänäkäth (south-west of Tashkend). See ACMAT (1), p. 10.

Bandar 'Abbäsi : « Port of [Säh] 'Abbas; name taken by Gombroon when 5äh 'Abbas removed the trade from Hormuz to this place.

See CURMOS, p. 582.

bä zibdn-i Hitâyi : « powerful prince » in « Chinese », explanation of f a'ut-quri by Rasidu-'d-Din. See CINGHIS, p. 293.

Bägi Empress Dowager : war the mother of Qubiiai.

See CAMPÇIO, p. 153.

bdyriltdq : in Turfan, the sand-grouse.

See BAGHERLAC, p. 65.

Bärin : for Peking, known to-day in Chinese Turkestan.

See CAMBALUC, p. 141. *Bäkäci : supposed by Pieh-ch'iehch'ih.

See ÇULFICAR, p. 611.

Bäkrin (tribe) : many of whom were Christians, living in the region of Lake Barka', in the Mongol period.

See BARSCOL, p. 85.

*bäktäp : the form we should expect in Turkish if pahta were derived from Ch. po-tieh.

See COTTON, p. 444.

Bäktär : Chinghiz-khan's half-brother.

See NEGODAR, p. 792. *Bäktut : Sali's grandson, was emir of the Qaraunas.

See CARAUNAS, p. 189. Balgütäi : Chinghiz-khan's half-brother.

See NAIAN, p. 788.

*barga (*bärkä) : restitution of pieh-li-ko, title of an officer. See BERCA, p. 93.

Bärkä : was the third son of Jai; born in 1206-1208, died in 1265 or 1266.

He was the first Chinghiz-khanid to become a Mussulman. His war with Hülägü, see... p. 94, it is the main problem connected with Bärkä.

See BERCA, p. 92, 93, 94. Bärkä ('s appearance description). See BERCA, p. 93.

Bärkä('s war with Hiils gu) : the main Pollan problem connected with Barka.

See BERCA, p. 94.

Barka : died in 1266 at the latest; the corrupt reading « Tharzara » cannot be connected with « Chariziera ».

See CHARIZIERA, p. 237. Bärkä-oyul : « prince Bärkä » (in Was3äf).

See BERCA, p. 93.

Baikal : on Bärkä, in Raäïdu-'dDin.

See BERCA, p. 93.

bäz : Osm. < Greek [36aaog.

See COTTON, p. 434.

bäzz ? Arab. and Pers. < Greek ßûaao;.

See COTTON, p. 434.

bat : (or ng8n bit) Siamese for « tical ».

See COWRIES, p. 557.

bl.`ur-ci : (dynasty) this form occurs in a Tibetan translation.

See CIORCIA, p. 367.


See BARSCOL, p. 86.

beige : French; the derivation of bombasin is hypothetical.

See COTTON, p. 427.

  • Bei-inn » : (= Pei-lun) misreading

for the Kilian Lake.

See CINGHIS, p. 331.

Bekrin : (Qaidu's mother was a).

See CAIDU, p. 126.

« belargoui » : in Raäid.

See BULARGUCI, p. 113.

  • Beibân » : or Balaban.


  • Belissima » : (in V) the plain of Hormuz, corrupt into « Formose ».

See CURMOS, p. 576.

bella : Singhalese, « cowry ». See COWRIES, p. 555. BELOR.

Corresponds to an Arabic names which editors and translator, have transcribed « Bolor ».