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146   INDEX

*kairpasi : Skr., > *kirpâi, the form supposed by chi-pei; the vowel of the first syllabe would be abnormal.

See COTTON, p. 441.

kârpüsika : Skr., the Ch. equivalent of which is po-tieh, according to I-thing.

See COTTON, p. 433.

kârpäsika : this always occurs (and not karpâsa) in Chinese Buddhist texts.

See COTTON, p. 441.

kârpiparja : I-thing reckons its value in pei-ch'ih.

See COWRIES, p. 543.

kiirsàpana : I-ching has a note on its value in pei-ch'ih, i.e. in cowries.

See COWRIES, p. 560.

kârsâparia : Skr., is worth 1 600 cowries; it repeatedly occurs in Chinese Buddhist texts.

See COWRIES, p. 561.

kàrcapana : according to Hui-lin, its value was 400 ch'ien, or 16 papa.

See COWRIES, p. 561.

karsâpana : divided into 16 mâsa or into 20, finally identified with the ounce or tael of silver. See COWRIES, p. 561.

kâr dpana : rendered by some translators as 16 ch'ien, or as chi'en.

See COWRIES, p. 562.

kâr,äpana : the two values of 1280 and 1600 cowries have been known by Chinese commentators.

See COWRIES, p. 562.

kârsâpanah : Skr.; Tib. kar-sa-pana; is worth 1600 cowries. See COWRIES, p. 561.

Käsak : designation of the Circassians in the Hudüd al-'Âlam. See ÇIC, p. 607.

« Käsemgar » : given as the twenty-fifth Nestorian metropolitan see in a list of the 13th cent.; another list of c. 1349 gives «Kasimghar »; probably a wrong duplication for Käyar.

See CASCAR, p. 209.

käshi : (Pers.) « enamelled brick »; cannot be the source of the name « Käsyar ».

See CASCAR, p. 204-205. kâsi : Singh. < Skr. karca.

See COWRIES, p. 563.

kasika : Pali, does not mean « silk ». See COTTON, p. 441.

käsu : Tamil < Skr. kaua. See COWRIES, p. 563.

Käsak : Kâse may be understood as coming from it and mean « of Käsyar ».

See CASCAR, p. 205.

Klan : (« Cala Ataperistan was probably in the vicinity of). (See « Caxan », p. 235.)


Kagan : once connected with « Ca-sum » = *Casun; it is correctly named as « Caxan » in Z.

See CASVIN, p. 215.

Käsân : south-east of Savah and Qum, it is Polo's « Caxan ». It is given as the place of origin of the Magi Kings.

T. Herbert mentions there, in 1628, a tomb of « Nycador oglan ».

See CAXAN, p. 235-236.

Käsänc : (= Q's'nc) of Mahrnämag, would represent the feminine form of Käse < Käsak.

See CASCAR, p. 205.

Käse : could be based on the first element of * Kasgiri if is it to be understood as < Käsak and means « of Käsyar ».

See CASCAR, p. 205.

« Käsyar » : wrongly given as the nineteenth Nestorian metropolitan see in a list of the middle of the 13th cent.

See CASCAR, p. 209.

Käsyar : for Käsyar in Mohammedan works; this form may be a misreading.

See CASCAR, p. 206.

Käsyar : it is Polo's « Casein. ». See CASCAR, p. 196.

Käsyar : spelling used in the most ancient sources.

See CASCAR, p. 206.

Käsyar : two of the earliest monuments of the Turkish language are connected with it.

See CASCAR, p. 207.

Käsyar : on the map of c.1330, is listed with Khotan among the possessions of Düräi-Tämür. From the middle of the 14th cent. down to 1514, was ruled by the Duylat family; they

exchanged embassies with the Ming dynasty.

See CASCAR, p. 207-208.

Käsyar : is the modern pronunciation in Russian Turkestan. See CASCAR, p. 208.

Kä"syar : (Nestorian community of), Syriac documents testify its importance.

Is probably one of the two seats of the twenty-fifth see. See CASCAR, p. 209.

Käsyar : this form is the only used in the Mongol period.

See CASCAR, p. 209.

Käsyar : (ancient language of). According to Käsyari, « royal » Turkish was used; he adds that in the districts of Käsyar, a non-Turkish language was spoken, called kän;"äki. We do not possess any text on that ancient language.

See CASCAR, p. 210-211.

Käsyar : on June 1, 1274, an Imperial edict was issued to calm and comfort this city.

See YARCAN, p. 878.

Käsyar : in Gardézi's Persian text of 1050-1052, an itinerary is given from there to Khotan. See YARCAN, p. 877.

Käsyar : in 635 « General governments » had been established there and had under their juridiction 15 districts (chou). See YARCAN, p. 883.

Käskar : for Käsyar in Mohammedan works; the form may be a misreading.

See CASCAR, p. 206.

Käsgar : general spelling of Käsyar in Chinese Turkestan.

See CASCAR, p. 208.

kâgi : (or kâlika) wrongly said to be « silk ».

See COTTON, p. 441.

« Käzyar » : quoted as a secondary form for Kä"syar; no instance of it is known.

See CASCAR, p. 206.

« Kârnâs » : (Moyol) there is very little likelihood that it represents Polo's « Caraunas ». See CARAUNAS, p. 187.

kdpas : Jay., Dayak, Malay, Sund.; can be accounted for by starting from the Pali kappasa. See COTTON, p. 436.

kdpus : Malay.

See COTTON, p. 436.