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0295 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 295 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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*'U-den : instead of it, the Tibetan chronicles use 'U-ten, 'U-then. See COTAN, p. 413.

'U-ten : (or 'U-then) occurs in Tibetan chronicles for Khotan; it is borrowed from Ch. Yü-t'ien. See COTAN, p. 413.

'U-then : (or 'U-ten) occurs in Tibetan chronicles for Khotan; it is borrowed from Ch. Yü-t'ien. See COTAN, p. 413.

  • ua- : (-wa-) Ch., noted through -o-

in « Coigangiu ».

See COIGANGIU, p. 398.

*Uâ-kwak : this is Wo-kuo.

See COTTON, p. 519.

ubioo : Manchu, « cowry », may be

an artificial creation due to

Ch'ien-lung's scholars.

See COWRIES, p. 560.

« uciaca» : read *uciata, might be

the participle of hucciare or


See COIACH, p. 397.

uciacha : ( est coiach).

See COIACH, p. 397.

« uciacha » : it looks as though it

were a term of Western astro-


See COIACH, p. 397.

uciacham : (...quam appellant


See COIACH, p. 397.

* uciata : read in that way, « uciaca »

might be the participle of

hucciare or bruciare.

See COIACH, p. 397.

Uc : our « Uch-Turfan » was known

as 0'6-Farman in the late

Middle Ages.


WOMEN), p. 715.

Uda : (or Oda, Ota, Uta) for Odan

in the Mong. MS of Ulän-


See COTAN, p. 415.

« udumbara » : wrongly for Skr.


See COTTON, p. 469.

Udan : (Wu-tan = ..) occurs for

Khotan in the Secret History; we should read Odan.

See COTAN, p. 415.

Uddiyàna : one of the four gâkya became king of this place. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 707.

udi-bhva (< udaya-bhva = tuns-ti) in modern Burmese texts for

the Chinese Emperor, ancient designation of the early Nanchao sovereigns of Yün-nan. See CARAGIAN, p. 180.

*Udon : Wu-tuan, the Yü-t'ien of the T'ang dynasty according to Yeh-lü Ch'u-ts'ai.

See COTAN, p. 415.

udumbara : Skr., Ficus glomerata; yu-t'an is a shortened transcription of it.

See COTTON, p. 469.

« Udun » : another transcription of Ka"syari's « Odon ».

See COTAN, p. 414.

Udyäna : usual wrong sanskritization of Uddiyäna; a confusion

with Yü-t'ien has given rise to a bad correction Yu-ti-yeh-na. See COTAN, p. 408.

Ughuz : Mythical Patriarch of the Turk and Tartar nations, reported in Rasidu-'d-Din.


Uighur king : (the legend of the first).

See CARACHOÇO, p. 164. Uighur kingdom (on the) : see

« Iuguristan », p. 753.

See CARACHOÇO, p. 164.

Uighur princedom : (Kan-chou became after 851 the seat of an independent).

See CAMPÇIO, p. 152.

Uighur and Tibetan Buddhist monasteries : (the documents found

at Tun-huang have revealed the existence at Kan-chou, in the 9th and 10th cent. of).

See CAMPÇIO, p. 152.

Uigur rdïqut : (Qaidu besieged the). See CAIDU, p. 127. Uiqun-Talan-Quduq : (or Utqun-),

according to Rasid, Chinghizkhan arrived there in the spring of 1226 (unidentified).

See CINGHIS, p. 315.

Uiyur : or Uiyür. Name of the people of the Uiyuristân. See IUGURISTAN, p. 753.

Ujat : a late tradition has it that this village on the left bank of the Qara-qas River was once inhabited by Nestorian Christians.

See COTAN, p. 423.

*ûJhd : supposed form from the wushê which I-thing mentions in « Northern countries ».

See CASCAR, p. 213.

*'dijjhd : form supposed by the hu-shê which Hui-yüan mentions in Khotanese and in Kashgarian.

See CASCAR, p. 213.

*Uju : i.e. *Aju or « Agiul ». See AGIUL, p. 14.

Ujung Tanah (Johore) : said to be the region referred to by Larikä according to Rouffaer (see « Lochac »).


Ujuqan : name of Uriyanggadai's son in Rasid's account of Mongol and Turkish tribes. See AGIUL, p. 14.

*'Uk-mjét : Wu-mi, tzia of Yü-ch'ih. See COTAN, p. 420.

« Ukoli » : by Rasid, for Corea, is corrected by Blochet to Kokuli = Kao-kou-li.

See CAULI, p. 234.

« Ula jonduluy » in Ka. yari, is a misreading for Ala-yondluy. See CALACIAN, p. 135.

Uladai : he helped in releasing Aryun, and very probably also, he was one of the envoys from Persia with whom the Polos returned from China to the West.

See OULATAI, p. 798.
