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104   INDEX

Gossypium indicum : this is the same as Gossypium herbaceum. See COTTON, p. 429.

*Gostan : Gostana may well have become this at an early date in Khotanese.

See COTAN, p. 410.

Gostana : means « Earth-teat » and is the right-restoration of Ch'üsa-tan-na.

See COTAN, p. 409.

Gostana : formed of go + Iran. stâna > stana; could be misinterpreted as a Skr. compound of go -}- stana.

See COTAN, p. 410.

Gostana : this as probably a literary name of Khotan in the Khotanese language.

See COTAN, p. 410.

*Gostana : (> Gostana) this form must have doubled *Godan in the first centuries of our era. See COTAN, p. 412.

gostani : a name of the grape, explained as « Khotanese ». See COTAN, p. 409.

« Gosthan » : mentioned in a Tibetan text, gives a form of the name of Khotan beginning with go-See COTAN, p. 411.

Gosthâna : Skr., lit. « cow-station », has nothing to do with Turki qotan (intended to explain Yüt'ien, Chu-tan, etc.).

See COTAN, p. 410.

Goâ}iiga : (bill of Khotan), an Aryastana is mentioned on it by Tibetan texts.

See COTAN, p. 410.

Goâiga : hill of Khotan, called in Chinese Niu-t'eu-shan, which appears in Tibetan as 'Ge'u-tosan or Gau-to-"san.

See COTAN, p. 413.

« Gothan » : in Fra Mauro, for the « province » of « Khotan ». See COTAN, p. 408.

« Gotha » : (= «Gothan »), in Fra Mauro, for the city of « Khotan ». See COTAN, p. 408.

« Gothan » : (or « Go-dan ») something of the supposition that Yü t'ien, Ch'ü-tan, etc. represent such words may be retainned.

See COTAN, p. 410.

goton : by Fra Mauro, in a notice taken over from Polo.

See COTTON, p. 426.

goton : (opera...) occurs by Odoric.

See COTTON, p. 426.

« Goues » : i. e. « cubits ».

See COMARI, p. 403.

« Goza » : occurs in R.

See COJA, p. 402.


: Pers., « tomb », cannot be separated from Turk. kör, gör. See CINGHIS, p. 332.

gôzä : (yôzä); it is the Persian designation or the « capsule » of the cotton and cannot be connected with ch'ü-shun.

See COTTON, p. 466.

gör : Kar., « tomb. ».

See CINGHIS, p. 332.

*görhan : represented by the Chinese transcription Ko-êrhhan, but the original should be read görhan.

See CATAI, p. 225.

« Gran Turchie » : Great Turkey. Name given by Polo to the Cayatai empire or Medium Imperium particularly that of Qaidu.

See TURQUIE, p. 864.

Grand-Duke Michael : this Russian Grand-Duke was executed by order of Üzbäg-khan in 1319, and buried in « Mojari ».

See MENGIAR, p. 777.

grape-wine : produced in the Uighur country : offered to the Court in 1330 by Qara-dojo. See CARACHOÇO, p. 164.

grar-la-pa-ni : (kâqâpana) given as a synonym of iba'u, « cowry »owing to some misunderstanding.

See COWRIES, p. 562.

  • Great lords » of the line of Chinghiz-khan's burial. See ALTAI, p. 30.

  • Great ()talc » : the place of Chinghiz-khan's tomb according to the Chinese version of « Sanang Setsen ».

See CINGHIS, p. 345.

Great Snowy Mountains : Ta-Hsüehshan, or Great Himalaya.


  • Great Tattooed Faces » : were perhaps the Battak kingdom of Nagur of the Toba See-Panè River.

See DAGROIAN, p. 614.

Great Unity : under the Mongol dynasty, there were regular officers attending to the affairs of this sect.

See FUGIU, p. 728.

Great Yang-t'ung : another name of the « Eastern Kingdom of Women ».


Great Yang-t'ung : the mountains in which the Huang-ho took its rise were in this kingdom (cf. Hsin T'ang shu, 216 B, 6 b).


Great Yang-t'ung : they may have been formed with the western tribes of the old « Kingdom of Women ».


Greater Armenia : beginning in the west at Arzinjan, and bordering to the south-east with Mosul territory.

See ARMÉNIE, p. 51.

« Greater India » (the Christians of) : according to Plan Carpine, a son of Chinghiz lead campaigns against them. No accurate geographical data can he expected from the folklore tails involved with these campaigns.


« Green-eyed Hui-hui » : in reference, in the second half of the 14th cent., to the Asut.

See ALAINS, p. 20-23. GREEN HILL.

Polo gives this name to an artificial hill in the Imperial Palace of « Taidu ». Odoric also mentions it and he says it is called « Mons Viridis ».

This hill is what is known now as the Pai-t'a « White Pagoda ».

See p. 739-741.

« green [lü] thing-thing » : mentioned in the notice on Fu-lin in Hsin T'ang shu.

See AZURE, p. 60.

Gregory X : before becoming Pope, was in Syria and was archdeacon of Liège.


gris : different from vair, and probably the petit-gris.

See ERCOLIN, p. 644.

« gris » : one of three main names of squirrels in mediaeval texts. See ERCOLIN, p. 643.