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0208 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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194   INDEX

Nomoyan : according to Raid when the princes under his orders rebelled, some chiliarchy remained at the imperial tombs.

See CINGHIS, p. 342. Nomoyan : according to Ra;id, when the princes under his ordres rebelled, most of the chiliarchy guarding the Imperial tombs joined Qaidu.

See CINGHIS, p. 355.

Nomoyan : one of the four sons of Z`abui.

See CUBLAI, p. 568.

Nomoyan : 4th son of Qubilai. See CUBLAI, p. 569.

Nomoyan : he was captured in 1277.

See GIORGE, p. 737.

Nomolun : woman's name (in -lun). See AIGIARUC, p. 15. NONE.

According to Polo, this is the title, equivalent to « count », of the man who governed the small Mussulman province of « Vocan », in the name of the Lord of Badal, n. « None » may be noyan.

See p. 797.

« Noroaigue » : = Norway.


It must be Norway.

Mentioned as «Noroaigue» in the French letter of John and James Vassal of 1276.

See p. 797.

Northern Dipper : (= the Great Bear) mentioned in Yung-lo's itinerary to Mongolia.

See CINGHIS, p. 358.

Northern Wu-tsu : there is a paragraph in the Hou-han-shu on this people.


Norway (« Noroaigue » see : « Noroech »).

See BARGU, p. 79.

noyan : protector of the Christians.

See MULECTE, p. 786. noyan : commander in the Mon-

gol edicts.

See TOMAN, p. 858.

Noyan : it is a Mongolian title used for high dignitaries. The modern Mongol pronunciation is noin.

See NONE, p. 797.

N(36-kä0 : « New City »; a Sogdian form, represents « Navijkath »; founded south of the LopNôr in the first half of the 7th cent. Must be the Chin. Nu-chih-ch'êng, another name for Hsin-ch'êng.

See CASCAR, p. 209.

Nôbahâr : « New Spring » (Iran.). See BUCARA, p. 108.

nödün : according to the Secret History, Chinghiz-khan was born with a clot of blood in his right hand.

See CINGHIS, p. 288.

nöddic : Kalm. < Mong. nödün, « clot of blood ».

See CINGHIS, p. 288.

nöji, nöjin : modern Mong. < nödün, « clot of blood ».

See CINGHIS, p. 288.

nöjin, nöji : modern Mong. < nödün, « clot of blood ».

See CINGHIS, p. 288.

nökö'ätä... iräjü : Mong. « came... a second time », i.e. Chinghiz « came » for a « second » campaign against Tangut.

See CINGHIS, p. 326.

Nu-chih-ch'êng : another name for Hsin-ch'êng, mentioned in the Lop region. The Sogdian name must have been Nô6kä0.

See CASCAR, p. 209.

Nu-êrh-kan : in Upper Manchuria, where we hear of gerfalcons. See BARGU, p. 78.

Nu-êrh-kan : this centre of deportation may be Polo's « desert island named Ciorcia ».

It lay east of the Amur.

See CIORCIA, p. 387-388.

Nu-êrh-kan : (the « Botany Bay » of the Mongol dynasty); this is probably the « desert island » of Polo; it is in fact a peninsula.

The ancient original form which it transcribes is not known with certainty.

See CIORCIA, p. 389.

Nu-êrh-kan : the deportation of criminals there was very difficult. It was again occupied by the Ming dynasty.

See CIORCIA, p. 389. Nu-êrh-kan : Polo probably believed that it was still within the limits

of the sphere of influence of « Ciorcia ».

See CIORCIA, p. 390.

Nu-êrh-ko : a Mongol official reached that « land » in 1272 ; it is certainly the same as Nu-êrhkan.

See CIORCIA, p. 388.

Nu-fa : (fa with ancient -t, used also for -1, -r). First Chinese form of Dufar used by Chao Ju-kua in 1225.

See DUFAR, p. 637.

nu-ma : « broken-down horse », « jade ».

See CALACIAN, p. 136.

« Nuaketh » : (or « Navaketh »). The Iranian name of it means « New City ». It would represent the Persian form of the So dian Nô6-kä0.

See CASCAR, p. 209.


It may be doubted whether Polo had any clear ideas about Nubia, and whether he distinguished it from Ethiopia.

See p. 797-798.

« Nuda Undur»: quoted from Ra;idu'd-Din as the place of Chinghiz-khan's tomb (explained by « Buda-ündür » in the mss.). See CINGHIS, p. 341.

« Nukodar » : by Ramstedt, grandson of Chinghiz-khan. See CARAUNAS, p. 190.

Nung-chêng ch'üan-shu : work of Hsü Kuang-ch'i, published posthumously in 1639; mentions chi-pei.

See COTTON, p. 438.

Nung-chêng ch'üan-shu : (of Hsü Kuang-ch'i) the history of this agricultural encyclopaedia is far from being satisfactorily explained ; it was published in 1639. See COTTON, p. 487.

Nung-sang chi-yao : « Manual of agriculture and silkworm » breeding; the author is unknown; the original redaction is dated 1273. See COTTON, p. 499.

Nung-sang i-shih ts'o-yao : a work on agriculture written under the Mongol dynasty by Lu Ming-shan.

See COTTON, p. 504.