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0152 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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138   INDEX

*Jurjen : (or *Jul-6m) this is Chu-lichên (Ta-Chin kuo chih). See CIORCIA, p. 371.

Jul- : (or Jor)i) this form occurs only in the Sino-Persian Vocabulary of the Ming period. See CIORCIA, p. 366.

f arum : pl. of Ar. farm; large barges on the Nile.

See ÇERME, p. 606.

*Jusen : this pronunciation, seemingly rendered by Chu-hsien (= Nü-chih) c. 1500 need not to have been the pronunciation of the 11th and 12th cent.

See CIORCIA, p. 377.

Wen, Jule : the name Chu-shên is this Manchu word meaning « Manchu servants » and « family people ». The connection between this class-name and the name of the Jurcen is very doubtful.

See CIORCIA, p. 378.

f ûdânah : reading of Ibn BaIIûlah's hardâlah.

See FANSUR, p. 670.

Jtibä (or l:übä) : by Wa§âäf, it is übäi.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263.

Jübäi : or l:übai, brother of Qaban and son of Aluyu.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 262. Jürêä : (Raid) they are the Chin. See CINGHIS, p. 315.

Jürêä : (or JürMt) the name survived only as the designation of eastern Manchuria.

See CIORCIA, p. 387.

Jflrêâ : it cannot be said if Raéid's form for « Ciorcia n must be transcribed in that way or l.`ûrM.

See CIORCIA, p. 366.

« Jflrêäb » : (or « Z`flrMMâb n) this is a misreading for Rasïd's Jûrêä or Z`flrêä.

See CIORCIA, p. 366.

Jürbädäi : Chinghiz-khan handed over to him his wife Ibaka-bäki. See CINGHIS, p. 303.

Jürêädäi : (< *Jürêä[n] + dai) this is the derived adjectival form of JiirMt in the Secret History.

See CIORCIA, p. 367.

*JürM[n]-{-dai : > Jürêädäi (Secret History).

See CIORCIA, p. 367.

Jürêât : this is the form required by the Chinese phonetic transcription Chu-êrh-ch'ê.

See CIORCIA, p. 367.

J ürêät : this form occurs always in the Secret History. See CIORCIA, p. 367.

Jürcät : this is probably not the form represented by the Uighur

name rendered as (urcät.

See CIORCIA, p. 367.

Jürêät : (Mong. form of Jürcä) the name survived only as the designation of eastern Manchuria.

See CIORCIA, p. 387.

Jür)ät : (or C ürêät) this form of the Nuzhab al Qulub is a misreading.

See CIORCIA, p. 366.

Juj-u-Mä)üj . Gog and Magog. It is a double name. See GEL, p. 733.

fa : (or fa) the regular value in transcription of the character pronounced to and shê (*dTja). See COTAN, p. 421.

fada : (or yada) means « Regenstein »; it is not connected with « jade ».

See COTAN, p. 424.

I'-ild3v (or Jihûn) : one of the 4 rivers flowing from Paradise identified with both the Oxus and the Nile. See ETHIOPIA, p. 650.