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0103 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
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INDEX   89

«Dragoian» : = « Dakolien » or « Dagoyam », Ta-Hua-mien in the Amoy dialect isolated by Phillips.

See DAGROIAN, p. 614. « dragon-brain » : = camphor.

See FANSUR, p. 667.

  • Draguin » : modern corruption of Indragiri.

See DAGROIAN, p. 613-614. Dre chu.


  • Dré ch'u » (Tibetan) : is represented in « Brius » and « Bic'iu », according to Rockhill. See BRIUS, p. 106.

Dre-Chu : may be the local pronunciation of 'Bri-Chu. See BRIUS, p. 106.

Dru-gu : Turkish.


  • Dru-gu Ha-la yun-log » : i. e. the Turks (Oyuz) Ala-yondluy, in the Tibetan translation of an Uighur geographical report of about the 9th cent.

See CALACIAN, p. 135.


The true form is not « Tree of the Sun » but « Lone Tree ». Polo's « Lone Tree » can be only an Oriental plane or cinar, Platanus orientalis, and probably a sacred tree.

It was situated in the north-eastern part of liorasän, and it was there that Polo placed the battle between Darius and Alexander.

See p. 627-637.

Dry (or Lone) Tree : in this region, acording to Polo, would have taken place the decisive battle between Darius and Alexander. See DARIUS, p. 615.

  • Dry Tree » : there are different forms of its legend. For some it was the Tree of the Knowledge of the Paradise.

In the « Middle Ages », it was almost synonymous of the furthest limit of the world.

Polo adds that « of its wood balsam is made ».

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 632633.

« Dschanli » : attributed to Rasidu-'dDin for l`übäi.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263.

« Dschanti » : attributed to Rasidu-'dDin, for Z`übäi.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263.

  • Dschaukturi » : misreading of the title given to TämüJin occuring in Rasid.

See CINGHIS, p. 292.

  • Dschauli » : writing attributed to Rasid, for Cübäi. See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263.

  • Dschaut-ikuri » : misreading of the title given to Tämü;in occuring in Rasid.

See CINGHIS, p. 292.

  • Dschoba » : in Hammer's translation of Wassäf, for Z`übäi. See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263.

  • Dschobai » : for übäi by Hammer, who says that Rasidu-'d-Din gives this form.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263.

  • Dschoban » : attributed to Wassäf, for C übäi.

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263. Dua : « sworn brother's » of Qaidu. See CAIDU, p. 126-127.

Dua : considered to be the « true founder » of the (ayatai Empire. See CIAGATAI, p. 254.

Dua : Prince George of the Ongut fought against him.

See GIORGE, p. 737.

*D'uot-mjie : T'u-mi, one sort of K'un-lim (Hui-lin).


The name is « Dofar » in Barbosa. The transcription !afar is certainly wrong and the name isI.ufâr or Zofâr.

In Chinese texts, it appears first in 1225, used by Chao Ju-kua under the forme Nu-fa and in the first half of the 15th cent. as Tsu-fa-êrh and Tso-faêrh. « Dhofar » of our maps, on the southern coast of Arabia. See p. 637.

dulb : Arabic, « plane », which Reinaud and F. Michel identify with dirp. This does not take into account the mention of oak.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 634.

dumb » (némoi) : an epithet which is the basis of the Russian name « Némec » of the Germans. The name given by the Ancient Russians to people who spoke another language.


  • dumb trade » : a tradition connected with both the northern province of Darkness and same of the southern islands.


durrii : Persian name for Polo's « francolin »; is very similar to the käklik.

See CATORS, p. 232.

Duwa : (or Dua, Tuwa) : the son of Baraq.

See CAIDU, p. 128.

  • Dütschu » : wrong form for DreChu ('Bri-Chu). See BRIUS, p. 106.

dvipa : Skr.; diva- goes back to it. See COWRIES, p. 559.

Dvipäntara : Skr., rendering of K'un-Iun in a T'ang Sino-Sanskrit vocabulary.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 600.

[Dwära] Samudra : it is the capital of the Bilal Rajas immediately north of Ma'abar.

See SEMENAT, p. 830.

dyu, Dyaus pity : « divine Heaven ». See FACFUR, p. 653.

*dz'drn : ts'an, Chinese name of the silkworm.

See CIN, p. 265.

*Dz'ang-b'wat : Ts'êng-pa, Zangibär (Chao Ju-kua).

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 601.

*Dztjén : Ch'in, the great feudal state which « China » represents. See CIN, p. 268.

  • Dzu-Dzu » : this pronunciation for Juan-juan cannot be retained. See CIORCIA, p. 381.

  • Dzut-dzut » : they are the same

which we generally call Juan-juan.

See CIORCIA, p. 381.

  • Dzut-dzut » : this is an interpretation of jui-jui, rendered *Nzjw ätnzjwät but which may be an ancient

See CIORC1A, p. 385.

  • Dzut-dzut » : (or Juan-juan) the theory that this name is identical with that of the (ürcüt, which was originally Jüréât, cannot be retained.

See CIORCIA, p. 385.
