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180   INDEX

Märkit : Chinghiz-khan's victory over them is anterior to ,Jäci's birth and could not have taken place later than 1184.

See CINGHIS, p. 287.

Mecca : Chinese transcriptions. See ARABIE, p. 45.

Media : the country of the Medes, in Ramusio's text.


See p. 776.

« Medie » : used archaistically by Hethum as a designation of Kurdistan.

See ASYA MEDIA, p. 55. Mediterranean Orient (the) = Fu-lin, R6m, Frôm.


« Medium Imperium » : in Western sources of the early 14th cent., for the dominions of Z`ayatai's branch.

See CIAGATAI, p. 254.

« Medorum Imperium » : mistake for « Medium Imperium ». See CIAGATAI, p. 254.

« Megaloperdrix tibetanus » wrongly for Megaloperdix tibetanus. See CATORS, p. 230.

« Megoa » : in Mendoça, seems more likely to be Hsing-hua than Ch'üan-chou.

See ÇAITON, p. 597.

Mei-ch'i-hung : (in Shanghai) the « independant shrine » erected there was dedicated to Huang tao-p'o in 1813.

See COTTON, p. 486.

mei-hua nao : « plum-flower camphor » mentioned by Chao Jukua in his notice on Borneo. See FANSUR, p. 669.

mei-hua p'ien nao : one of the products of Borneo mentioned by Wang Ta-yuan. Must translate « plum-flower flake camphor ».

See FANSUR, p. 669.

mei-nao : in the Hsi-yang ch'aokung tien-lu, equivalent to mei-hua nao.

See FANSUR, p. 669.

mei p'ien : another chinese word sometimes used for camphor, meaning « plum flake ».

See FANSUR, p. 670.

Mekong (in S. Chandra Das, 'Brian refers not to the Upper Yang-tsû, but to the).

See BRIUS, p. 106.

Mekran : or Persian Baluchistan was called by Polo « Kesmacoran ».


One of the three Magi kings. The name is Arameo-Assyrian, Milki uri.

See p. 776.

Melchite : the bronze cross brought back from Khotan is a Melchite monument.

See COTAN, p. 424.

« melic » (q.v.).

See ALINAC, p. 30.

« melic » : or king of Hormuz mentioned by Polo.

See CURMOS, p. 577.

melik : see « Melic ».

See DAVID MELIC, p. 625. Mernecylon tinctorium : Arab. wars; a saffron-like plant.

See BRAZIL, p. 103.

« Mençu » : (Odoric) sometimes associated with Chên-chiang, sometimes with Ming-chou; the identification is doubtful. See CINGHIANFU, p. 280.


It designates the region of the city of Maar.

A Franciscan convent was there in the 14th cent.

See p. 777-778.

« menu vair » : (> Latin minutus varius, Engl. meniver and miniver). Similar to « gros vair » but with smaller squares.

See ERCOLIN, p. 644. Mergen.


It is the Mardin of our maps. Polo may have written « Mere-din ».

See p. 778.

Mery : in 1290-1291, the Qarau• nas revolted there.

See CARAUNAS, p. 190. oresiryak : Bulgar, « turkey ». See EGIPTE, p. 640.

Mêng Ch'i : there is no indication that he had anything to do with the Nung-sang chi-yao. See COTTON, p. 500.

Mêng Hung : the Mêng-Ta pei-lu, generally attributed to him, must be from Chao Hung. See CINGHIS, p. 284.

Mêng-ku : never occurs as a designation of the Mongols in the Sung shih and the Chin shih. See CINGHIS, p. 314.

Mêng-ku-tai : was set in charge of the affairs of the « moving shêng » at Fu-chou on March 26,1278 (YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 589.

Mêng-kuo : (in Pai-i writing MingKwè) name of Tali in the Pai-i Vocabulary of the Ming dynasty. See CARAGIAN, p. 176.

Mêng K'ang : lived in the first half of the 3rd cent., author of a lost commentary on the Ch'ien-Han shu entitled Hanshu yin-i.

See COTTON, p. 446.

Mêng-na : rendering of Kan-yai in the Chinese-Pa-i Vocabulary. See COTTON, p. 455. Mêng-nai : ought to be different from the Mêng-na rendering Kan-yai.

See COTTON, p. 455.

Mêng-wu : (i.e. the Mongols) the earliest mention of them occurs in the list of the Shih-wci tribes.

See CIORCIA, p. 386.

Mêng-wu-t'ai : (a Chinese who had become enough of a Mongol to receive the new name of). See CAIDU, p. 126.

mgron-bu : (or 'gron-bu) Tibetan name of the cowry.

See COWRIES, p. 561.

Mi : this is the surname of the people of the kingdom of Mi-lu (Mo-lu).

See COTTON, p. 495.

Mi : means « husked rice ».

See FANSUR, p. 668-669.

mi : « strips » (of silk), used to value objects in Yün-nan (Man shu). See COWRIES, p. 54.4.

mi : in the Chinese-Pai-i Vocabulary; it is perhaps the same as Siam. bld, « cowry ».

See COWRIES, p. 544. mi-che-ri : a hard iron, probably steel, in Tibetan.

See EGIPTE, p. 640.

Mi-ch'ên : the so-lo mentioned there is perhaps the cotton plant. See COTTON, p. 473.