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INDEX   57

and of a tributary of the Wei River.

See CINGHIS, p. 312.

Ch'ing-shui : in the biography of l`ayân, its identification is difficult; there must have been one in Mongolia, of which we know nothing.

See CINGHIS, p. 313.

Ch'ing-shui : there was probably no ordo there.

See CINGHIS, p. 318.

Ch'ing-shui : the mention of what happened there in Sa-ha-lien's biography in Chin shih is the death of Chinghiz-khan.

See CINGHIS, p. 327.

Ch'ing-shui-ho : this identification for the Ch'ing-shui of YS about Chinghiz-khan's death cannot be retained.

See CINGHIS, p. 312.

Ch'ing-shu-lou : summer resort, created under the Yüan at the Liu-p'an-shan.

See CINGHIS, p. 312.

ch'ing-tai : « indigo », applied on their face by the « Embroidered Faces » (Man shu).

See ÇARDANDAN, p. 604.

ch'ing-t'ung : « blue-green t'ung », said to resemble mu-mien. See COTTON, p. 462.

ch'ing-t'ung : « blue-green t'ung ». See COTTON, p. 475.

ch'ing-tz'ü : « ch'ing porcelain ». It is and has long been the usual term for celadon in China and in Japan.

See TINGIU, p. 855.

Ch'ing-yang-wan : (« Poplar bend »), of the Yin-ma-ho; Yung-lo was there.

See CINGHIS, p. 324.

Ch'ing-yüan : an unidentified kingdom.

See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 702. Ch'ing-yüan : = Ning-po.

See GAMPU, p. 730.

Ch'ing-yüan : in 1227, a special office called ship po-ssü was created there to supervise over-sea trade.

See GAMPU, p. 730.

Ch'ing-yüan : on the upper course of the Min River.

See TINGIU, p. 855.

Ch'ing-yüan-hsia : « Pure Spring

Defile », of the Yin-ma-ho; Yung-lo was there.

See CINGHIS, p. 324.

Chingis » : by Plan Carpine and Rubrouck, for « Chinghiz-khan ». See CINGHIS, p. 281.

Chinghis Kaan » : in Yule's edition (« Cinghis Kan » in the present one).

See CINGHIS, p. 302.

  • Chingiscan » : (« rectius Tamgius Can ») by San Antonino for

  • Chinghiz-khan », based on a misreading.

See CINGHIS, p. 281. Chinghiz-khan.

See ABAGA, p. 5.

Chinghiz-khan : his campaigns are related by Plan-Carpine, as those of one of his sons against Prester John and the Christians of

  • Greater India ».


Chinghiz-khan : when he conquered the Hsi-Hsia capital later called Ning-hsia the sovereign sought refuge in Dörmägäi. See EGRIGAIA, p. 642.

Chinghiz-khan : the Hei-Ta shihlio gives a list of the countries attacked by him.


Chinghiz-khan : was saved by two shepherd's advice, when he

waged war with Ong-khan.

See HORIAT, p. 745.

Chinghiz-khan : he conquered in 1221 the western Wigan. See TAICAN, p. 843. Chinghiz-khan's burial : somewhere near the sources of the Onon and Kerulen.

See ALTAI, p. 30.

  • Chinghiz-khan » : Tämiijin took this title in 1206.

See CINGHIS, p. 285.

« Chinghiz-khan (stone of) » : engraved c. 1225, begins with the name of Chinghiz-khan, with the final Uighur-z, not -s. See CINGHIS, p. 300.

« Chingsze » : (« i. e. perfect warrior ») cannot be retained to explain

  • Ciggis ».

See CINGHIS, p. 297.

  • Chintabor » : transcription of 8indäbür in the Catalan map. See ELI, p. 643.

chio : strung jades; raises the same problem as the p'êng of shells. See COWRIES, p. 538.

  • Chis » : on the Catalan Map of 1375, for Kg. See CHISCI, p. 245.

  • *Chisce » : has a fair chance of being the original spelling of « Chisci », Kis.

See CHISCI, p. 244.


This is the island of Kg (Kg in Persian, Qis, Qais in Arabic). The Chinese transcriptions are Chi-shih, Ch'ieh-shih. It is possible that the name of the greater island Kim would go back to the Middle Ages.

See p. 244-245.

  • Chisi » : (BI) « Chisci » is preferable.

See CHISCI, p. 244.

Chitral : a country to the northwest of the Indus.


Chiu-chên : (chün) in the Shih chi so-yin instead of « Ting-an hsien of Chiao-chih » in the Wu-lu.

See COTTON, p. 460.

Chiu-chou chi : this may be the true title of the Chiu yü chih.

See COTTON, p. 440. Chiu-chou chi : geographical work by Yo Tzû, prior to 527.

See COTTON, p. 444.

Chiu-ko : « Nine songs » (of the Elegies of Ch'u), mention the use of tzü pei for decoration. See COWRIES, p. 542.

Chiu-tê : (chün) in the Tz'ü-t'ung instead of « Ting-an hsien of

Chiao-chih » in the Wu-lu.

See COTTON, p. 460.

Chiu-tu : (« Nine crossing » of the Huang-ho) Chinghiz-khan arrived there in the autumn of 1226 (YS).

See CINGHIS, p. 310.

Chiu T'ang shu : it mentions the story of the wâgwâq tree. See COTTON, p. 518.

Chiu-yü chih : the mention of ku-pei quoted from it cannot be traced the true title may have been Chiu-chou chi.

See COTTON, p. 440.

Chiung-chu-ssû : a well-known Buddhist temple of the Yü-an-shan. See IACI, p. 746.
