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0273 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 273 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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t'a-li-ya = tariyaq.

See ASSASSIN, p. 54.

t'a-pu : (or ta-pu), « t'a cloth », mentioned in Ssû-ma Ch'ien.

See COTTON, p. 445.

t'a-têng : designation, under the Later Han and until T'ang times, of a woollen textile; the first element is not the t'a (ta) of Han times.

See COTTON, p. 447.

t'a-têng : (Wei lio) this is a name of rug which is to be retained. See COTTON, p. 508.

«Taal-nor » : this is the « Dalai-nôr ». See CINGHIS, p. 355.

Tabyac, Taßyac : in the 5th-6th, became the designation of China in Central Asia. Occurs in the Turkish runic inscriptions of the Orkhon (8th cent.)

See CATAI, p. 217.

Taßyac : Chinese.

See FACFUR, p. 653. «Taßyac» : for Kâsyari, it was the China under Sung rule, North China being « Hitai ».

See CIN, p. 273.

  • Taßyac » : name given to China by foreigners of Central Asia, not conflicting with « Mahâcina », more or less honorific.

See CIN, p. 273.

  • Taßyac khan » : « King of China », title of the Qarakhanid sovereigns of western Chinese Turkestan.

See CIN, p. 273.

tabirya : musk-deer in Turk. See GUDDERT, p. 742. Tabriz.

See BARSAMO, p. 82. Tabriz : (see « Tauris »).

See BAUDAC, p. 91.

Tabriz : according to Clavijo, there was a Dry Tree (un arbol seco) in this city.

This city was wrongly identified with Susa.

See DRY (LONE) TREE, p. 635.

Tabriz : the capital of the ilkhan before the foundation of Sultâniyah. Polo's « Tauris ». See TAURIS, p. 847.

Tabrizi : Inhabitant of Tabriz. Polo's « Taurisin ».

See TAURISIN, p. 848. «Tactenis» : a misreading of Zurla for « Hactenis ».



It represents Mo. Tayacar. He was one of the principal officers in Persia before and still more after Aryun's accession.

See p. 841-842.

  • Tagodar » : variant « Tangodar », name of Ahmad.

See ACMAT (2), p. 12. Taya'ear : (> Tàcar).

See NATAN, p. 788.

Tayacar : he was one of the principal officers in Persia before and still more after Aryun's accession.

See TAGACIAR, p. 841.

  • Tai-tching » : is Ta-ch'ing-kuan, name of a fortified pass on the western bank of the Huang-ho.

See CAICIU, p. 123.

Tai-chou (now Tai-hsien) in Shanhsi : an important production of ch'ing-lu (green malachite). See AZURE, p. 61.

Tai chün : the region of Ta-t'ung in northern Shan-hsi.

See COTTON, p. 449.

tai fu : see ta fu.

See THAI, p. 852.

tai-mei : designation of the pei according to Chêng Hsüan (A.D. 127-200); it is perhaps for tai-mei lo, « tortoise spiral shell ».

See COWRIES, p. 537.

Tai-tsui pien : this is the Lang-yeh tai-tsui pien by Chang Tingssû.

See COTTON, p. 505.

T'ai-chou : this is Polo's «Tigiu ». See CINGIU, p. 364.

T'ai-chou : it was a river relay between Shao-po and Hai-chou. See CINGIU, p. 364.

T'ai-chou : the chou of T'ai was created in the middle of the 10th cent., and became a military area (chün) during the Sung ; it became a lu in 1277.

See TIGIU, p. 852.

t'ai fu : this very high title was in principale a civilian one. See THAI, p. 852.

T'ai-hui River : perhaps « River of the wrinkled Boa ».


T'ai-i : a lake south of the Green Hill.

See GREEN HILL, p. 741.

T'ai-kung : this city is certainly Tagaung of the Irawaddy.

See GAINDU, p. 729.

T'ai-mo : ancient name of Ch'ü-chou fu in Chê-Chiang.

See COTTON, p. 449.

T'ai-mo pu : u T'ai-mo cloth », mentioned in an edict of Wên-ti of the Wei dynasty.

See COTTON, p. 449.

T'ai-p'ing huan-yii chi : (publi3hed in 976-984) the « bark » men-

tioned there is an error.

See COTTON, p. 478.

T'ai-p'ing huan-yü chi : it mentions the story of the wagwaq tree. See COTTON, p. 518.

t'ai-shih : may be the « Ta-shi » in Yeh-1 ü Ta-shih. This old Chinese title was given under the Ch'i-tan, the Jucen and the first Mongol period to high officials.

See CATAI, p. 221, 222. T'ai-ting : Yesün-tämiir, son of Kamala.

See CINGHIS, p. 350.

T'ai-ting : it was a military area (chün) under the Chin, and its centre was at Yen-chou. See TUNDINFU, p. 862.

T'ai-tsu : designation of Chinghizkhan by Yang Wei-chêng.

See CINGHIS, p. 284.

T'ai-tsu : (Chinghiz-khan), a sacrifice at his tent is mentioned in YS in 1329.

See CINGHIS, p. 356. T'ai-tsung : Emperor of China (627-649).


T'ai-t'ai : the god of the Fên River.

See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 679-680.

t'ai-wei : title of *Dtirvij when he has the keep of the « great ordos » (YS).

See CINGHIS, p. 350.

T'ai-wu : a Wei Emperor (423-452). See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 689.

T'ai-wu-ti : (or Shih-tsu) this is the Wei Emperor T'o-pa Tao.

See CIORCIA, p. 382.