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0046 Marco Polo : vol.1
Marco Polo : vol.1 / Page 46 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000271
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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THE CHURCH OF SAN GIOVANNI GRISOSTOMO rMARCO POLO bouring houses of the Polo " in 1475.1 No fire in the present theatre would be likely to do serious damage to the present Church, so that it may be possible that the Polo house extended to the north-east and north-west of the present Corte del Teatro ; and moreover the Church was moved nearer to the theatre when it was rebuilt, and its old position is occupied by the street, Salizzada di S. Giovanni Grisostomo, and the houses west of the present Church.' There were, too, in 1321 ` ` large halls or porticoes which face and are towards the Church of San Giovanni Grisostomo ".3 And there was also " a well which is outside the court, to which one goes through a door which is on the lane outside the principal door of the whole property of the Cha Polo ".4 This well may have been the old well in the Corte Sabbionera approached through the old arches in the tower. Other wells near by are one in a hidden court east of the Church and a large one in the Campo north of the Church.'


1 P. PAOLETTI L'Architettura &c., Part II. 1893, p. 178 : in conseguenza dei danni patiti quando nel 1475 bruciarono le vicine case dei Polo. Unfortunately the source of this statement has not been found. cf. G. TASSINI Curiosità Vene.Q.ane, 1863, I, p. 281 : Nel io8o la famiglia Cattaneo fece inalzare una chiesa a S. Giovanni Grisostomo, la quale nel 1475 abbruciossi. Idem, ed. 4, 1897 (later than PAOLETTI), p. 330 : Nel io8o ... una chiesa a S. Giovanni Grisostomo, la quale nel 1488, per asserto del pievano Lodovico Talenti, trovavasi in cattivissimo stato pei danni del tempo, a cui alcuni aggiungono quelli di un prossimo incendio, accaduto nel 1475. In all this there is no mention of the Polo house ; and search in the registers of Lodovico Talenti (Archivio di Stato, se`. notarile, b.955-957), which date only from 1480, has failed to produce better evidence.

2 F. CORNER Ecclesix Veneta', II. 1749, decas i (2), p. 235 : in eo quidem situ fundata fuit, in quo nunc ad faciem Ecclesie prostant via, & adverse domus, que utpote extructe supra veteris Templi ruinas, funebri pompa in die commemorationis Defunctorum a Clero Ecclesie quotannis visitantur, ut Christifidelium in eo solo quiescentium animabus eterna pax imploretur. Quatuor ab ejus fundatione elapses seculis anno N.D. 1475 incendio consumpta est, coepitque Lodovici Talenti ejus Plebani [1480-1516] cura nobiliori molitione restituì in apposita area non longe a diruti Templi minis, in cujus postea solo, ut supra retulimus, publica via domus & officina' constructs fuerunt. D. MALIPIERO Annali Veneti (in Archivio storico Italiano VII. 1843, p. 705) : 1497 A questo tempo, é sta comenzà a renovar la giesia de S. Zuan Grisostomo.

3 Y. II. p. 519 : sale sive porticus magne que respiciunt et sunt versus Ecclesiam Scti. Johannis Grisostomi. YULE (with reference to Istituto degli Esposti No. 6) unfortunately gives only extracts from this important document. Recent efforts to find the original in the Archivio and

elsewhere at Venice have failed.

4 Y. II. p. 519.

5 The fine head of this well was brought there from the Giudecca in 1855.   cf. TASSINI

Cur. Veil. 1897, p. 331.