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0130 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / 130 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
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116   INDEX

Hsi-yü wên-chien lu : a work on Central Asia by Ch'i-shih-i, dated 1778; a passage on the ku-chung-yang is similar to that of Juan K'uei-shêng.

See COTTON, p. 521.

Hsi-yüeh-ho : Western Moon River. See FEMELES (ISLAND OF WOMEN), p. 704.

Hsi tribe : they were close kin to the Ch'i-tan.


Hsia : personal name of a king of Khotan in Ssû-ma Kuang; both the T'ang shu give Ching. See COTAN, p. 422.

Hsia-ch'ih-su-mu-ch'a-p'u-mi : a king of San-fo-ch'i who sent an embassy to China in 1017. This name is Ha)i Sumujabhûmi, of Ha)i Sumutrabhümi. See SUMATRA, p. 839.

Hsia-li : *Hail, of the Tao-i-chi-lio, in which Rockhill has seen Eli, Heu . But the position given in the text is wrong.

See ELI, p. 643.

hsia-lo : this alternative name for tzû pei is a mistake for ya-lo, « polishing shell ».

See COWRIES, p. 542.

hsia-têng : « inferior », « low-class », the translation of dörmägäi in the Secret History.

See EGRIGAIA, p. 642. Hsia-tu : « Lower Capital ».

See CIANDU, p. 256.

Hsia-wu-t'an : conterminous to Tsêng-t'an to the south (Wênch'ang tsa-lu).

See CURMOS, p. 581.

hsiang : « perfume », Chinese. See FANSUR, p. 666. hsiang-chiao : elephant-litter.

The fabrication of the first
ones is noted in the Annals

towards the end of 1280.

See NAIAN, p. 789. hsiang-lien : elephant-litter.

See NAIAN, p. 789.

hsiang-mu : « hsiang (*skang)tree »; so-mu cannot be a phonetic alteration of it.

See COTTON, p. 473.

Hsiang pei ching : « doctrinal book on the properties of pei »; this is no doubt a forgery of post-Han times.

See COWRIES, p. 535.

Hsiang-shan : personal name represented by « Chyansam ».

See CINGSAN, p. 365. Hsiang-yang : (siege of) [see «Saianfu »].

See ABAGA, p. 4. Hsiang-yang : (siege of).

See ACMAT (1), p. 11. Hsiang-yang : (siege).

See AGIUL, p. 15. Hsiang-yang.

See ALAINS, p. 21.

Hsiang-yang : Bayan assembled his armies at Hsiang-Y. on Oct. 2, 1274.


Hsiang-yang : under Tu-tsung's reign Qubilai's armies undertook the conquest of the Sung empire by laying siege there, in 1268. See FACFUR, p. 657.


See SOGATU, p. 837. Hsiao-chili : (*Sa'uji). Ho-shih-la halted there (YS).

See CINGHIS, p. 322.

Hsiao Chih-na : mentioned in a text with Ta Chili-na without the value of the names.

See CIN, p. 272.

Hsiao Chü-nan : « Small Quilon », in the Tao-i chih-lio and the original Hsing-ch'a shêng-lan. See COILUM, p. 400.

Hsiao Chü-nan : this is certainly Quilon.

See COILUM, p. 401.

hsiao-ch'ien : « small coin », of one shu (in the currency system of Wang Mang).

See COWRIES, p. 539.

Hsiao-Ch'ing-ho-k'ou : town-name. See CAGUY (< *CACU), p. 122.

hsiao-êrh : « small children »; the most complete of the ancient texts on the babies on a tree is that of the T'ung tien.

See COTTON, p. 518. Hsiao-jên kuo : the Kingdom of Dwarfs.


hsiao-hsieh : cf. Br, II, 208; YS, 107. See FACFUR, p. 661.

Hsiao Ju-chê : « Little Ju-chê », among the tribes designated as Shih-wei in the T'ang period. See CIORCIA, p. 386.

Hsiao Ju-chê : = Small Ju-chê. They are with the Great Juchê known as Mongolian or

Tungus tribes of northern Manchuria.


Hsiao-kou-t'ai : (*Hä'ügütäi, written Mong. *Agiigütäi), name of Bayan's father in Chinese biography.


Hsiao K'ên-t'ê : « Small Käntäi », distinguished from the Käntäi Range in the Manchu dynasty. See CINGHIS, p. 346.

Hsiao Ko-lan : « Small Ko-lan », for Quilon in the first half of the 15th cent.

See COILUM, p. 400.

Hsiao Ko-lan : this is certainly Quilon.

See COILUM, p. 401.

hsiao-ni : « small ni », « cassimeres, flannels »,

See COTTON, p. 431.

hsiao-pei : « small shell », one of the items of shell currency in the system of Wang Mang. See COWRIES, p. 540.

hsiao pei : « small pei »; they are the pei-ch'ih according to the Chiao-thou chi.

See COWRIES, p. 542. Hsiao-wang : the little ruler of the Kingdom of Women.


« Hsiao-Yen-ching » : « Little Peking », name given by the

natives to Ch'ang-lu-chên.

See CIANGLU, p. 260.

hsieh : (*sjät) often occurs for the second character of po-tieh. See COTTON, p. 449.

hsieh : mentioned by Hsü as a fabric of chi pei.

See COTTON, p. 488.

Hsieh-la-fu : (Siräf) should perhaps be the reading of Shê-latzû and Hsieh-la-shih.

See CIELSTAN, p. 264.

Hsieh-la-shih : on the Chinese map of c. 1330, may be Sülistan, but the transcription would be unsatisfactory.

See CIELSTAN, p. 264.

Hsieh-la-shih : on the Chinese map of c. 1330 and in YS; this is not Siräz.

See ÇIRAÇ, p. 610.

Hsieh-li : Hell, in the Chinese map of Mussulman origin, cor-