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0269 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / 269 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



' ca-ld : sha-lo, an alternative form of solo without authority. See COTTON, p. 468.

  • 5a-111k-ka : Sha-to-chja, a convent of the kingdom of Kapiii. See CASCAR, p. 200.

  • 5a-iak : Sha-lo, a Chinese transcription of Kâsyar.

See CASCAR, p. 197.

Sanf : early Arabic transcription, represents a pronunciation Campa.

See CIAMBA, p. 255.

* ,sàla : (* kilo) this is the form supposed by sha-lo (' ca.ld). See COTTON, p. 468.

' $ârakavati : for * Siiraka, is not plausible.

See CASCAR, p. 200.

* Siwo-iak : Shu-lo, the first Chinese mention of Kâsyar.

See CASCAR, p. 196.

¢ûf al-bahr : a wool of the sea b , occurs in mediaeval Arabic authors.

See COTTON, p. 509.

$undur : explained as the outcome of Kundur > Kuundur > (jundur > Sundur.

See CONDUR, p. 406.

$undur : this is evidently represented by Polo's a Sondur D.

Polo heard both names, this one and Kundur.

See CONDUR, p. 407.

5undur : there might be some connection between this name and that of Kundur.

See CONDUR, p. 407. $undur-fûlât : this must be a Son-dur » in the early Arabic narratives.

See CONDUR, p. 406. Sundur-fnliit : it is not Pulo Condor, and it is not Hai-nan; it is probably Culao Cham.

See CONDUR, p. 406.

$undur-piilau : $under-fiilit has been explained as a Persian plural of this arabized form. See CONDUR, p. 406.

arocx6v : name of products of *ON?, mentioned in the Periplus.

See CIN, p. 266.

ailp : given by Pausanias as the Greek name of the silkworm, different from the Chinese name;

occurs only in the 2nd cent. A. D.

See CIN, p. 265.

arIpcx6v : hardly to be separated from a Séres »; but it does not seem certain that its use is not here due to Strabo himself. See CIN, p. 264.

Eijpc : name under which classical antiquity knew China and the Chinese.

See CIN, p. 264.

Tlpcxa : a silk textiles A, are said to be mentioned at the end of the 4th cent. B.C. by Nearchus (in Strabo); is does not seem certain that the use of ark p cx6v is not here due to Strabo himself.

See CIN, p. 264-265.

Erlpcxh : Ptolemy speaks of the Eivac and of their sea-port Karrfyapa as being south of it. See CIN, p. 267.

riven : mentioned by Ptolemy.

See CIN, p. 267.

EXEvl : in Vettius Valens, may refer to China.

See CIN, p. 267.