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0319 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
マルコ=ポーロについての覚書 : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / 319 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000246
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE





  • Zinc » : (= *Zing) « Zine » of Marino Sanudo's map is more likely to be a misreading of that than of *Zinz.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 601.

  • Zine » : (... « et ideo Zinzibar ») in Marino Sanudo's map; probably a misreading of « Zinc ». See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 601.

Zing : this must have been originally the pronunciation of Ar. Zin). See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 598.

  • Zinghi » : in Pietro d'Abano, the Zingi country, where is a star « as big as a sack ».

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 601.

  • Zingi » : in this country there is seen a big star in the shape of a sack (Pietro d'Abano).

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 601.

  • Zingorum » : in Pietro d'Abano, Zangi country.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 601.

Zinj : (and Zänj) in Arabic sources, for the coast of Eastern Africa. See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 598.

Zinj : Ya'gnt mentions there something like an arch which has been identified with the Magellanic cloud.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 603. Zinz » : in the map of Marino Sanudo, the Zängi country; the original is probably « Zinc ». See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 601. « Zinzibar » : occurs in Barbosa. See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 597.

  • Ziques » : in the French text, for the « Ziqui » of the Directorium ad passagium faciendum. See ÇIC, p. 607.

  • Ziqui » : mentioned in the Directorium ad passagium faciendum. See ÇIC, p. 607.

  • Ziquia » : (... « sive Tharquesia ») the Libellus de notitia orbis has a paragraph on it.

See ÇIC, p. 607.

  • Ziquia » : mentioned by Simon de Saint-Quentin and Rubrouck. See ÇIC, p. 607.

  • Ziquo » : in Pasqua' de Vittoria's letter of 1338, the servant said to be « ...natione » was a Circassian.

See ÇIC, p. 607.

*Ziraz : « Çiraç n would represent, theoretically, this impossible form.

See ÇIRAÇ, p. 609.

Zitûn » : correction proposed for « Zâitan », but this form is unknown to all sources, Mussulman and European.

See ÇAITON, p. 586.

*ziticn : (or *zäitan) the normal transcription of tz'ü-t'ung would have been *situp, not that. See ÇAITON, p. 587.

Zorça : this occurs on Fra Mauro's Map, for « Ciorcia ».

See CIORCIA, p. 366.

Zoroaster : according to Manichaean creed, one of Mani's three predecessors.

See FUGIU, p. 728.

  • Zorza » : hesitation has been felt to identifie it with « Ciorcia ». See CIORCIA, p. 387.

  • Zorza n : this is a mistake for Zorça on Fra Mauro's Map. See CIORCIA, p. 366.

  • Zouza » : a city near Achbaluch (See « Gouza » and « Çouça »). See ACHBALUCH, p. 9.

  • Zuche » : var. of Odoric's « Çuche ».

See CUIUCCI, p. 573.

Zubuni : (and Az iuâ) in Abkhaz,

  • Circassian ». See ÇIC, p. 607. Zulfiqar : vulg. of Ar. ~n 'l-fagar,

  • Master of the Vertebrae ». See ÇULFICAR, p. 610.

  • Zulfiqar n : name of Polo's « corn-pains s, who was probably a western Turk who had entered Qubilai's service.

See ÇULFICAR, p. 610. zurqah : Arabic for « blue color ». See FANSUR, p. 668.

  • Zychia » : there was a Latin archbishop of « Matrega » in... See ÇIC, p. 607.

*2ja-b'âk : Chê-po; provides a parallel form for the second part of Chu-po.

See COTTON, p. 448.

*ziän-giu : may be the archaic form of the old Hsiung-nu title transcribed in Chinese as shanyä.

See CINGHIS, p. 297.

zä'ün yar :[> Dzungar] this question is very intricate.

See CINGHIS, p. 352.

zè-mà : Lolo name of the Chinese cash, from zè-mà-flu, « cowry ». See COWRIES, p. 550.

zè-m4-1/u : lit. « white fruit of the water », Lolo name (Sfi dialect) of the cowries.

See COWRIES, p. 550.

*Zuian : (or *Zuzun) this is the nearest approach to the original form of the name of the Avars. See CIORCIA, p. 386.

*Luiun : (or *Zuian) this is the nearest approach to the original form of the name of the Avars. See CIORCIA, p. 386.

afar : wrong transcription given by some authors for Dufar. See DUFAR, p. 637.

Zahir Saifu-'d-Din Yaqmaq : it may be that he is the Sultan Asraf who sent China an embassy in 1441.

See EGIPTE, p. 640.

Zofâr : or Zufar. It is the correct transcription of Dufar.

Chêng Ho's visit is probably to

be placed in 1421-1422.

See DUFAR, p. 637.

Zufâr : or Zofar. It is the correct transcription of Dufar.

See DUFAR, p. 637.

Z-iyyaaa &xpa : in Ptolemy, for the coast of Eastern Africa. See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 598.

Td Z(yy.ov : in Cosmas, for the coast of Eastern Africa.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 598. Z.yyk &xpa : in Ptolemy, for the coast of Eastern Africa.

See ÇANGHIBAR, p. 598.

ZExxoE : (ZoyoE) Greek designation of the western Circassians. See ÇIC, p. 606.

ZLXEa : land of the western Circassians in Byzantine Greek.

See ÇIC, p. 606.

ZLXEa : the name is connected with « Adiye », « Adziye », by which the Circassians call themselves.

See ÇIC, p. 607.

ZvyoE : (ZExxot) Greek designation of the western Circassians. See ÇIC, p. 606.